Sunday, July 31, 2011

Rest Stop Ahead

"Rest Stop Ahead" was the title of the sermon this morning. It was based out of Matthew 11:25-30. While it was an encouraging message about finding rest in Christ in uncertain days, I had a hard time getting beyond the title. You see, I have a personal belief/conviction that Rest Areas on the interstates are breeding grounds for rapists, murderers, and the like. I hate Rest Areas! They are on the list of things that I am most afraid of! I hate to stop at them with groups, I hate to stop at them with David, and I will never, ever stop at one alone. I would rather pee my pants in my truck soiling the seat for as long as the vehicle is around and hearing David go on and on about how gross that is than stop at a rest area alone. I understand what the DOT was trying to do by creating them. The concept is nice, but reality is a different story. Give me a nasty bathroom at McDonalds surrounded by other people any day over the lonely quite bathroom that is a perfect hiding place for criminals.

Case in Point...

Last summer David and I went with Mike and Mir to the beach for the day. It was a lovely trip. We had tons of fun frockling in the ocean and building sand castles...or something like that. Anyways, on the way home, David needed a "potty break". I had already shared my feelings of Rest Areas with everyone on the way to the beach (although David already knows), so it really shocked me when they decided the upcoming Rest Area would be a good place for a potty break. Not only was this RA (as I'm now going to call it) off the main highway and hidden by trees, but it was NIGHT TIME!! How much more scary is that?!?

I tell David he can get out and go on his own, I'm staying the car. I wish him luck and let him know if something bad happens, he is on his own. What else would a loving wife say?!?

Shortly after David left the car, Mir decides she needs to go. I tell her I am not going. She will have to go alone. After much pleading and begging, she finally makes me go with her. I kind of figured that 2 had a better chance than one, and besides...have you seen Mir fight?? She would have lost in a minute!! We say our goodbyes to Mike and leave the car. I am literally shaking at this point, hating what lies ahead.

On the way into the building, we run into David who is coming out. I tell him to wait outside for us before he goes back to the car. David doesn't listen to everything that I tell him to do, but he understands that RAs are not a joke to me, so he waits. Mir and I slowly make our way into the RA building. Wouldn't ya know...this is the creepiest, maze-like RA that was ever created!! Of course, it isn't one that you walk right in and the bathroom is right there. NO...we have to walk down a hall, go through another door, walk down that hall, turn again and then go into the bathroom down the next hallway!! OH MY WORD!!

*Insert Scary Part*  So, like I said we have to walk all the way through this maze. At door #2, I had already hit Mir fussing about her getting us killed. When we turned the corner to head down the last hall, I came face to face with what I still to this day believe to be a murderer. He was the "cleaning guy" as everyone else would call him. This guy had on a hat, glasses, A MASK (as in the kind that some people wear when they cut the grass), a button up work shirt, pants, GLOVES and had a bag. Because I am already on edge, and this guy was the mayor of Creepsville, I kind of screamed. Not a super loud scream...more like the one that you let out when you come face to face with someone that you didn't expect mixed with the fear of dying. 

As we enter the bathroom, I threaten Mir's life, tell her she owes me forever, and make sure that she knows to run and scream if that guy is still out there when we leave. After peeing the fastest that is humanly possible and daring Mir to wash her hands in there (thank goodness for hand sanitizer), we take off out of that place. Thankfully David was outside when we got there which made me feel 100 times safer. He asked if we saw that creepy guy in there...uh, YEAH!! 

We all walk back to the car talking about the creepy man, me sharing my feelings of what I think about him. *He had a chopped up body in that bag of his.* While everyone is laughing and making fun of me, Sir Creeps-a-lot, FLIES past us in his car to the exit ramp. Why you ask?!? LEAVING THE SCENE OF A CRIME!!! I told Mike and Mir to be watching the news that week to see if they mention someone dying at a RA, because I KNOW that is what happened. They said nothing was ever mentioned, which means I am crazy, but I'm sure there will be one of those 48 Hours shows about this guy in about 10 years!!

To make matters DUMB sister and her husband went back to the beach another time and stopped AT THE EXACT SAME RA!! She called me one day to let me know that, and to say that they had seen the same creepy man!! To which followed a lecture about her going to RAs in the first place. I don't understand...I CAREFULLY explained what goes on at those places, yet they still choose to go?! I told Mir that I would not be a part of their funerals if they are killed at a RA. That would be due to their own stupidity since they have been fully informed about RAs!! I would, however, go and ID the creepy man that I believe would do something like that. That man's creepy face, or what I could see of it with his mask on, is forever ingrained in my mind!!

So there...REST AREA AHEAD...stop at your own risk!!

Saturday, July 30, 2011

Not Just For Pinterest

Today we went to the bro and sis in law, Chuck and Crystal's, to hang out and swim. Crystal made an amazing lunch, and I had to share the recipe. I already "pinned" it to my board, but for those of you still not utilizing the amazingness that is Pinterest, I thought I would share here as well. The full recipe can be found at Seriously...check it out! It was a perfect "by the pool summer dish". We had this with pita bread, hummus and fruit. It turned out to be the perfect combo. You're welcome in advance...just saying.

                    White Bean and Roasted Chicken Salad
White Bean and Roasted Chicken Salad Recipe


Thursday, July 28, 2011

This is for Mike and Mir


A few things about me in the mornings…

  • I hate to wake up. I think it is the worst part of the day.
  • My alarm goes off 3 times before I actually get up.
  • I know the absolute last possible minute that I can stay in the bed and still leave the house on time.
  • I wish I packed my lunch and laid out my clothes every night, but I don’t.
  • I drop the soap at least once every morning in the shower. I would not do well in prison!
  • I think a lot in the shower.
  • I wait until the last thing to put my contacts in because my eyes need extra time to wake up.
  • I don’t like to talk for at least 30 mins – 1 hour after I wake up. Sometimes I can’t even sing in the car because “it isn’t time to talk yet.”
  • If I wear my hair curly, I can cut at least 15 mins out of my morning routine.
  • If I straighten my hair, I will be hot for at least an extra hour.
  • I rarely make up my bed in the morning – mainly because David is usually still in it.
  • I don’t eat breakfast until I get to work.

Wednesday, July 27, 2011

First Annual Miller Ladies Retreat

This past weekend we had the First Annual Miller Ladies Retreat. It was attended by 10 members of the Miller family – 3 aunts, 3 cousins, 1 mom, 2 sisters, and me. We were able to get away in the mountains of NC and stayed at the Ridgecrest Conference Center.

Friday was travel day for all. Everyone arrived at various times throughout the afternoon and evening. Mir came down to get me at my house so that we could stop in Hendersonville on our way up to Ridgecrest. Because Mir’s “pants were on fire” while in Hendersonville, we got stuck in some crazy traffic on the way to Ridgecrest which put us there later than originally expected. You know that Karma, she will get you every time!

Saturday morning started with breakfast provided by Aunt Lynn, which included lots of fruit and her homemade cinnamon rolls – my fav!

Mom gave a brief devo with a slide show of pics from Guate. After that, we loaded up and headed in to Asheville for the day. We decided to make a pit stop at the Grove Park Inn and spent a while looking around.

Once we got in to Asheville, we stopped at a sandwich shop for lunch and then walked down to the Mast General Store.

                                               The Green Sage Specials

                           Aunt Ruth and Aunt Claudette "shopping" at Mast General

It was then back to Ridgecrest for dinner (Mom’s Spaghetti Pie and Ice Cream Casserole) and games. That is when the fun and laughter began!! We started with Bingo, moved on to Mexican Train and then finished the evening with some Uno. The games were fun, but the prizes were even better!! Leave it to Aunt Lynn to bring the crazy gag prizes! With the games and prizes came lots of old stories which left everyone laughing hysterically.

For Sunday breakfast, we had leftovers from the morning before. Aunt Lynn gave the morning devo focusing on our legacy and family heritage. We sat around and talked for several hours and then decided that the “Sunday Lunch Rush” would probably be over. We headed in to Black Mountain, stopped for lunch at the Coach House Seafood Restaurant, and walked the streets window shopping. After the rain started, we decided to go back to Ridgecrest to rest for the afternoon.

We pieced together a dinner of left overs and then started with the games again. We decided to stick to Uno that night since everyone could play and it required less stuff than Bingo did. What a night! There was laughter over eating fruit flies, doing sit ups, “helping” each other play, matching (or not matching) colors and numbers…and then there was Aunt Ruth! The only way to summarize that evening is to quote my cousin Rhonda when she said it was like playing cards at a nursing home…and that it was!!

Monday was leaving day. I hate leaving day. Don’t get me wrong, I love home, but I hate packing up and leaving. It just isn’t fun. After breakfast, Rhonda continued the devo on legacy and heritage. I’m pretty sure there wasn’t a dry eye when she was finished. I mean, what is a good ole ladies retreat without some tears, right?!? We said our good-byes and headed back in all different directions (NC, SC, and GA). Mir, Bor, Mom and I decided to stop in at Ole Guacamole for lunch before getting on the road.

                                                      Mir and Bor

                                                      Glyn and Reb

                                                      All of us

All in all, it was a super fun weekend!! I can’t wait to get together with these crazy ladies again next year, and I hope that more decide to join us then. My only summary…I LOVE MY FAMILY!!  

                  I even had a stow-away Bingo dot that I found in my bag while unloading.

Thursday, July 21, 2011

Wednesday, July 20, 2011

Laughter ... It Does a Body Good

As mentioned in my first post #21...I love to laugh. I think it is one of the best things in the world. I believe my two favorite kinds of laughing are A. Laughing Until It Hurts / Laughing Until No More Noise Comes Out and 2. Inappropriate Laughter - Inappropriate Timing, Inappropriate Reasoning, Inappropriate Noises (snort, poot, etc). Yep, Laughing is definitely my fav!!

Why mention this?!? Well, today was one of those days. Actually it was a combo of those two occurrences which made the laughter that much better. Actually just the other weekend, it happened too. Much of my laughing comes from spending time with or talking to one of my sisters. The other weekend was with Bor. I totally had the "No more noise/Almost wetting your pants" laughter when she took a sip of her drink and a long, nasty, disgusting piece of slobber stuck - one side to her lip and the other side to her cup. She actually made it all the way back to the table before the spit string broke. The HILARIOUS part was, she thought no one saw it and she was off the hook...Oh No!! I totally saw it! I busted out laughing (actually I'm LOL-ing right now thinking about it!) Once she realized I saw it, she too started laughing. That made me laugh even harder, which left everyone else at the table CLUELESS!! Here we were, unable to talk and even make rational laughing noises and no one else knew what in the world we could possibly be laughing at since nothing had been said to make us laugh and no one else saw the spit string.

Anyways...back to the original story. Today, I was talking to my other sister (haha!) on the phone. We, of course, started sharing the events of our days. These stories are usually quite good, because we A. Both work with some characters, and 2. Both have BWFs (see post 2 for more details). The more we talked, the more I laughed. Now you must understand, at the beginning of this convo, I was in the car alone heading home. By the end of the convo, I was out of the car, walking up to Moe's (Free Queso Day) surrounded by people. I was laughing so hard, I'm pretty sure it was quite awkward to those who could see me. I actually had to tell her I was in public and could not be laughing like that and had to hang up. Ridiculous, I know.

So, what was the story?! Well, the one that sent us over the edge involved D (see post 2 for more details). D was on vacation last week with her family in Florida. *I missed her dearly while she was away!* In an effort to make up leaving me for a week alone, she brought me a prize and gave it to me this morning. This is roughly the way the convo surrounding the prize went ...

D: Oh I bought you something while I was in FL.
Me: You didn't have to do that. That was so sweet!
D: Do you know who Guy Harvey is?
Me: Yes
D: Really? You do?
Me: Yes, doesn't everyone?!?
D: Oh, I just didn't know you would know. (See Post 2 Bullet Point 5 under "Work" to understand how ridiculous this really is!)
D: The only reason I bought this is because it was on clearance.
Me: Oh, Ok.
D: And I'm sure it is too big for you.
Me: Oh, Ok.
D: Here.

And then D gives me this shirt. She knew I would love it - clearance and too big! She is so sweet...a total BWF!!

What is so funny about that?!? Well, in and of itself not that much. I mean, D is a dork and all, but the funny part really begins when another employee (who shall remain unnamed so I don't get mean things done to me at work...and, no, it isn't Leigh Ann - just to clear that up) walked in our office. She saw the shirt and said, "Well, thanks for bringing me something too, D." Even though it was meant as a "joke" we both knew she was kind of serious. I told her I only got one because I'm D's BWF. This employee acted as though she had never heard that expression, although we use it quite frequently around the office. I explained to her what that was (she could have just read my blog...but...I haven't told her about it...and now I really won't since I'm talking about her in it!) D added that we are only friends at work (see Post 2 Bullet Points 3-4 under "General") and that I know not to call her after 4:30 (which isn't actually true, but it could be knowing D). Said employee responded with, "Well, I've called you after 4:30." To which I reply, "Thus the reason you aren't the one with a new shirt." I thought that was pretty hilarious, but her face made it even funnier since she didn't know if I was being serious or just kidding. D and I CRACKED up!!

*Now that I'm typing this, I really hope it isn't one of those "You had to be there" kind of jokes.

Well, anyways, to add to that...I was AGAIN telling Mir about Pinterest.
I love this site. I spend too much time there. I am slightly addicted. It is true.
Mir tells me she has tried to get into it, but she is afraid that she will get sucked in too, and she doesn't have time for that right now. (Oh, but she will in 2 weeks - sorry Shelia!!) Here comes D again. I told Mir that I tried to tell D about the site. I even showed it to her. I walked her through the process. I showed her my boards. I really opened my Pinterest world to her thinking that she would enjoy it. What does she say in response?!? Straight faced..."Stuff like that doesn't Pinterest me!" Seriously, you can't use the title in a slam. That is just wrong. Wrong, but hilarious. This sent Mir over the edge, which in turn, sent me over the edge - in public, surrounded by people going to get free queso.

And there is a little piece of my day. Laughter. I'm pretty sure it is good medicine, because I feel so much better since having that gut busting laugh with my sister this evening.

Tuesday, July 19, 2011

Eve Noel

Eve is now 4 years old! It is hard to believe, since it seems like not that long ago we were at St Francis Hospital meeting her for the very first time. It is even harder to believe that 3 years have passed since her very first birthday party.

We were able to celebrate with Eve this past weekend at her Pool Party...the "Pool Party" that started with her laying on the concrete because the water was too cold, then moving to the swing set, and finally into the water with her friends. In case you don't know, Eve is quite the character...independent, hilarious, and oh so loving. Where in the world would we be without little Eve in our lives?! 

Friday, July 15, 2011


As previously mentioned in my first post, this blog idea came from my friend Diane, who I commonly refer to as “D”. Since this was her crazy idea and she has been on vacation for a week, I thought I would make this next post all about her! I know she is going to LOVE this!!

*Disclaimer…you may want a tissue while reading…

Diane is my BWF or Best Work Friend. Everyone should have a work friend like her. Not only do we work very well together, but we also have SO MUCH FUN together!

A few things about D at work
  • She LOVES when I sing to her.
  • She LOVES when I tell her jokes.
  • She LOVES when I have a new game to play.
    • Basically those three things are her favorite parts of her job.
  • When we sing together, it is a melodious harmony that everyone in the office enjoys.
  • She knows ABSOLUTELY NOTHING about movies, songs, tv shows, or pop culture in general. As a matter of fact, one of my favorite games to play with D is “What movie is this quote from”, “Who sings this song”, and other similar games because I ALWAYS WIN!!
  • Don't be fooled, she can come up with some super fun games to play too - like who can knock the phone receiver off the phone in the waiting room…with a bouncy ball.
  • She is hilarious when she gets mad, but I try not to tell her that when she is actually mad.
  • She makes me laugh uncontrollably when she “accidentally” drops something while people are sleeping the waiting room.
  • Her favorite song is “Islands in the Stream” by Dolly Parton and Kenny Rogers (wrong on so many levels…even more wrong when she sings that dumb song!!)
  • Some of my favorite stories that we share start with, “I probably shouldn’t tell you this, but…” and “I know this is gross, but…”
  • She is the best BOGO smoothie and iced coffee sharer
A few things about D in general
  • Her dog uses a liter box (not lying…I know, that is totally ridiculous!)
  • Her dog also cannot go outside for long periods of time, because they are afraid the hawks will swoop him up and eat him. 
  • She has only gone out with us after work twice, despite the thousands of times we have asked her.
  • She has NEVER (not once) in all the years I have known her invited me to go swimming at her house.
  • She is more than slightly addicted to couponing. (I won’t go in to detail here, but I’m pretty sure there are some border line illegal activities that go along with this.)
  • She is a control freak in the car and hates to ride with other people, especially me.
  • Her husband … well, those are some of the stories that she “probably shouldn’t tell”
There are so many more things that I could share about my BWF, but I would hate to embarrass her. She isn’t normally comfortable being in the spot light, but I don’t care. I do things all the time that she isn’t particularly fond of! That is part of my job as her BWF. Despite it all, she is what makes coming to work, even on bad days, fun!

*Don’t tell her, but I kind of love her!

Tuesday, July 12, 2011

My First Blog Post

After much debate and coaxing from my BWF (best work friend) “D”, I have decided to join the “blog world”. Of course, my #1 blogging goal is to be as cool and famous as my “friend” the Pioneer Woman, but I don’t really see that happening in the near future…or ever, really. I guess I’m like everyone else who starts a blog…I just hope that I can keep up with it and that someone out there in the cyber world will actually read what I write.

I have no set plan of where this blog might go or have any particular theme. To be truthful, I’m quite afraid to see where this thing may end up! After the sermon we heard at church on Sunday, however, I did think of a good place to start…THANKFULNESS. We were challenged to list 5 things every day for a week that we are thankful for – big or small. I have seen other bloggers make lists like this, and I thought I would try it. I will be doing my 5 a day list at home, but thought my first blog would be a list of 25 things that I am thankful for. Obviously, this is not everything, but hopefully it is something to get you started thinking about what you are thankful for!

  1. My family. I am so blessed to be a part of a family that loves each other, and actually likes each other too. I am also blessed to have a family of in-laws that I love as well. The more I talk to people I know, the more I realize that those two things are not common. That makes me even more thankful to be blessed with these great families.

  1. Right in line with that would be my husband. We have shared a ton of laughs, adventures, and memories over the past 6 ½ years. We have the best time just hanging out, and I love that. He is also very helpful and does more than I believe the average husband does.

  1. Stryker. There have been many nights that I have worried about David and what craziness he would get into while he was working. Now that Stryker is his “right hand man” I rarely ever worry about them. I know that bad stuff can still happen to them, but I am much more comforted after seeing some of the pics of Strykie’s handiwork!

  1. My dear, dear work friends. Those girls make even the worst days fun. **I am really looking forward to some things going back to “the way they were” around our office!

  1. Facebook. Don’t laugh. I really am thankful for this social media. I have been able to reconnect and stay in touch with some old friends that I had lost touch with over the years.

  1. Chapstick. I would be lost (and chapped) without this wonderful miracle!

  1. My Coffee Cup Warmer. I love this thing, especially on the days that it takes me until 10 or 11 to drink my first cup of coffee!

  1. My Spin Class. Ok, I NEVER thought that I would EVER mention anything like this, but it is true. I love it, and I am addicted already!!

  1. Hair Gel and Sprunch. That is another that I never thought I would be thankful for, but since my hair has decided to get more and more curly in the past few years, I am indeed thankful for these products. I am extra thankful this curliness during the summer months since it is quick to do and does not involve me getting super hot while drying and straightening my hair!

  1. Internet on my Phone. Need I say more?!?

  1. Speaking of my phone…Words with Friends. If you play this game, look me up…RebDurham. If you don’t play, you should…just saying!

  1. My Tempurpedic Bed. I must admit, I take this for granted on most days, but am quickly reminded how great it is whenever I spend the night away from home!

  1. Pinterest. This is one of my new loves. Do I need this in my life? Probably not. Do I spend too much time on this site? Definitely. Oh well, I love it! (I won’t lie and say and I didn’t take a break during this list to check it!)

  1. Our Garden. I have always wanted to have a garden, and this is the first year that we have ever been able to have one. It is so great, and I want to have one forever!

  1. Steam in a Bag Veggies. I love how fresh they taste and how quickly they cook! The whole green beans are my fav, in case you wanted to know.

  1. The In-Laws’ Swimming Pool…So thankful for that this summer!!

  1. Chacos. I seriously would wear them every single day if I could. I LOVE THEM!

  1. Coupons. I don’t know how I ever shopped without them, and I hope I never return to it.

  1. Following that would be Sales. I love when things are on sale…especially when the coupon matches the sale and you can get lots for not so much!

  1. Weekend Trips. I love random get-aways…planned or spontaneous.

  1. Laughter. I love to laugh. It is seriously one of my favorite things to do!

  1. My parents spending my birthday with me this year.

  1. The Backspace Key. I definitely use it way too much.

  1. Kind words. We all need more in our lives and need to give more to others.

  1. My blog readers … all 5 of you. How do I know there are 5?!? Well, I have 2 sisters, one mom, and two friends that I know will at least read this first blog. After that, who knows!!