Friday, March 30, 2012

5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?

1. My Faith
That one seems like a given since joy and happiness can only truly come from faith, but some people pass through life with a false sense of happiness. Real happiness is found in Christ and a relationship with Him.

2. My Relationship with David
We don't have a perfect relationship, but it is a really good one. The more relationships that I see falling apart around us, the more thankful I am for him.

3. My Friends and Family
I have some of the best and am very thankful for each of them. Life would be so boring without friends and family!

4. The Possibility of New Things in the Near Future
Details later?!?
**And just to stop the rumors before they start (again) I am NOT having a baby! I know that is the conclusion that EVERYONE loves to jump to with me!**
5. Warm Weather
I know we haven't had a bad winter this year, but I really dislike the winter time. It is cold and depressing, and warm weather just seems to put everyone in a better mood. I love the new growth of spring and the happiness that it brings.

Thursday, March 29, 2012

My FAVORITE Father in Law

Father in Law:
the father of one's husband or wife

Today is a day of celebrating the birth of my dear Father in Law. On this day LONG, LONG ago Cleon birthed into the world our precious Bennie...and since that day the world has never been the same!!

For years he has introduced me as his FAVORITE Daughter in Law. Now, before you get all mushy and think how sweet this is, in fact sweet, but less sweet when you realize that I am his ONLY Daughter in Law, and unless I die and David remarries, I will be the only one he ever has!! This has become our running joke...I am his favorite and he is mine!

So, to  my FAVORITE Father in Law, I wish you a super happy birthday!! We love you lots and lots and lots!!

Monday, March 26, 2012

4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.

  1. Driving isn’t near as exciting as you think it is; it really does get old.
  2. Pay attention to your dad when he shows you how to parallel park. You will need to know that one day – for real, not just for your driving test.
  3. The world isn't near as black and white as you think it is.
  4. College is great, but there is more to life than just a degree. Find something you love and pursue it.
  5. Your parents know more than you think.
  6. You aren’t near as overweight as you think you are. One day you will look back and wish you were that size again.
  7. Living in Augusta is temporary.
  8. Enjoy the time you have at home with your fam. It will pass too quickly.
  9. Fight harder to stay in touch with your friends from the past. Yes, writing letters is a pain now, but soon there will be great technology that makes it easier. Tough it out now so you don’t spend wasted years out of touch.
  10. Stop wasting your time with that boy J

3. Describe your relationship with your parents.

I'm not in a sappy mood at all today, so I'm just going to say that I have a really good relationship with both of my parents. Truthfully, I always have. Sure there have been times that we disagreed and argued even, but overall, we've always had a good relationship. If you haven't picked up on the fact that I love and respect my family, then you should read my blog more. :)

My parents laid out a wonderful foundation for myself and my siblings. They have loved us unconditionally. They have showed us a great picture of a godly man, woman, and marriage. They have supported us in all of our efforts. They have provided for us.

I would venture to say that I have always been a bit closer to my mom, but I think that is because we are a lot alike. Regardless, I am very thankful for both of them and love them lots and lots and lots!!

Monday, March 19, 2012

Weekend at Mir's

Friday was Mir’s birthday. I purposely didn’t do a blog post about her then, because I knew that I was going to her house for the weekend. I wanted to wait and share our adventures. Unfortunately, there are no pics to memorialize our time together, but that’s ok.

I decided, pretty last minute, to head up to Raleigh for the weekend since Mike would be gone on Mir’s birthday this year. I sure hated to think that she would party alone, and let’s be honest, who better to party with than ME (if it can’t be your husband!)?!

She spent Friday morning having a leisurely late breakfast with our aunt and uncle. I got there about dinner time, and we headed out to Brixx Pizza. It was so nice to be able to sit outside and enjoy our dinner. {I am LOVING this weather!!} Might I suggest the Rustica pizza if you are every at Brixx?! It was YUMMY!! Mir had gotten a coupon for a free cup of yogurt at Yogurt Mountain. We sure hated to let it go to waste, so off to Yogurt Mountain we went! Again, we were able to sit outside and enjoy our ice cream and a nice long chat. We decided to head on back to the house and chill since we were going to have an early (well, early for a Saturday) morning. We got home just in time to see the end of the Duke game – WOW!! Was everyone else as shocked as we were?!?

Saturday morning we got up early-ish, packed up, and headed to Mike’s parents’ lake house for the night. We got there just in time to unpack and enjoy our lunch out on the deck. We were able to catch a few rays before the clouds rolled in. It was so nice to be out in the sun, chatting and doing some reading. When the dark clouds moved in, we went back up to the house for some homemade BBQ pizza and a movie. We had rented J.Edgar on the way out of town. Don’t know how many of you have seen it, but it was pretty good. I will say there was some history about him that I learned from that movie that never made it into the history books I studied. I won’t ruin it for you in case you haven’t seen it, but I’ll definitely say I was surprised!

Unfortunately, I started feeling pretty puny Saturday night, and it carried over into Sunday. I know I wasn’t much fun on Sunday, and that makes me sad. I wish we could have done more fun stuff before I headed back home, but I wasn’t feeling up to it.

It was so nice to be able to spend some time together. I am thankful that both of my sisters are close enough to visit for the weekend.

 Mir and I in Cancun.

All three of us sisters. Yes, Mir is the OLDEST!!

2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.

I don’t typically think of myself as a fearful person. I like to try new things. I like to experience new adventures. I try to have faith that God is in control and try not think about all the bad things that can happen. I really believe that fear can paralyze people and hold them back, so I don’t want to be one of those people. I guess, like everyone though, I do have some fears.

  1. I am afraid of bees. I don’t know exactly why. I don’t recall having been stung by bees a lot when I was a child. Truthfully, I don’t really recall ever being stung by a bee. I do know that the part in My Girl when Thomas J gets stung by all those bees and dies always upsets me. I don’t know if that has anything to do with anything, but maybe so.

  1. Although I don’t ever talk about it, I (along with every other wife of a law enforcement officer) have a fear of something happening to David (or Stryker) while they are working. I don’t like to talk about that, and I’m pretty sure it is self-explanatory, so that’s that.

  1. I also have a fear of getting to the end of life and looking back with regret. I don’t want that to happen. I want to think that everyone I love will know how much I love them. I want to have taken every opportunity that was given to me. I want to have made impacts on people’s lives for better. I’m sure everyone has some regrets, but I want to mostly be proud of my life not regretful.

So, there you have it. That’s 3 of my fears. What about y’all. I’d love to know some things that make others fearful – dumb or serious.

Friday, March 16, 2012

1. List 20 random facts about yourself.

1. I love music, but can't play any instruments and can't sing very well.
2. I have one flat foot and one arched foot.
3. I have lived in 4 states.
4. I have almost always had friends that were older than me.
5. I have one tiny eye.
6. I have a CWP.
7. I want to sky dive at some point in my life.
8. I still have a ribby.
9. I crack my knuckles even though I've always heard that you shouldn't.
10. I HATE glitter!!
11. I have never dyed my hair (some call that having virgin hair).
12. I love to try new things.
13. I am quite clumsy.
14. I hate feet - and pedicures.
15. I almost drowned in the toilet when I was little.
16. Texas is the farthest west I have ever been in the US.
17. I am a list maker.
18. I play with my hair (more than I even realize that I do).
19. I don't like sweet tea even though I have tried to all my life.
20. I re-pierced my ears myself before my sister's wedding so I could wear earrings like everyone else.

The List

Of course, I personally saw this on Pinterest, but I try to give props where props are due. This was actually a post on the blog Hopes & Dreams. I can't say much about the blog, because I haven't taken the time to look through it a whole lot yet. I plan to though. I really liked this list, so I'm sure she's got some other good stuff on there.

This list was pinned as a list of stuff to talk about with your spouse or dating partner. I like that idea, but I also like what she also did with it on her blog. In a variety of posts, she actually went through and answered them all for herself. She didn't commit to doing it every day or all at once. There are sometimes several posts between them. I like that. People oftentimes responded back with their answers in the comment section. That was kid of neat too.

So, you know me...I see an idea that I like and feel like trying it. Here goes nothing....


1. List 20 random facts about yourself.
2. Describe 3 legitimate fears you have and explain how they became fears.
3. Describe your relationship with your parents.
4. List 10 things you would tell your 16 year-old self, if you could.
5. What are the 5 things that make you most happy right now?
6. What is the hardest thing you have ever experienced?
7. What is your dream job, and why?
8. What are 5 passions you have?
9. List 10 people who have influenced you and describe how.
10. Describe your most embarrasing moment.
11. Describe 10 pet peeves you have.
12. Describe a typical day in your current life.
13. Describe 5 weaknesses you have.
14. Describe 5 strengths you have.
15. If you were an animal, what would you be and why?
16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?
17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?
18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?
19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?
20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood.
21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?
22. Where do you see yourself in 5 years? 10 years? 15 years?
23. List your top 5 hobbies and why you love them.
24. Describe your family dynamic of your childhood vs. your family dynamic now.
25. If you could have dinner with anyone in history, who would it be and what would you eat?
26. What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong?
27. What is your favorite part of your body and why?
28. What is your love language?
29. What do you think people misundertand most about you?
30. List 10 things you would hope to be remembered for.

Wednesday, March 14, 2012


I know this is a deep topic, but this is what’s going on in Reb’s World today.

It is strange to think that I started this day talking about birth and end it discussing death. That is the weird turns that life takes. Life can make us extremely happy and extremely sad all at the same time. It is weird how you can feel such opposite emotions at the exact same time.

Death is a very weird thing to me. I hate it. I hate that we have to face it. I hate that people we love suffer and leave this life. I hate the fact that I am going to die one day and people that I love will mourn for me.

Death is very hard to describe and you really don’t understand what it is like to lose someone until you have gone through it yourself. It is weird to think that some people make it into their adult life before they ever experience a loss like this. For me, it has been a reality since I was a child. Sad as it may be, but I don’t remember life before I had lost someone that I loved. I have lost family members, friends and acquaintances. I have faced death with both family and friends.

It is hard to lose someone that you care about, but it is almost equally as hard to walk through a death experience with a friend or family member that has lost someone they love. Although you have been in their shoes, there are no “magic words” for these situations. There is a complete sense of inadequacy as you seek to know what to say and do. I hate not knowing what to do and what to say. I hate that I can’t make the hurt go away. I hate that the only way to get through it is to literally go through it.

I am so thankful that as a Believer, we have a hope. I truly do not know how people face death without the hope of Christ and belief in eternal life. It is very comforting to know that, despite the circumstances surrounding that particular death, we can have hope that we will see that fellow Believer again.

The idea of death is so hard for us mortals to completely grasp. It is so strange to think that you will never see that person on earth again. No more phone conversations. No more running into them at the store. No more new stories about them from their family. No more laughs with them. No more anything with them. That is just weird.

It is weird, too, how life goes on without them. Although everything changes, it keeps going. We learn to compartmentalize the time with had with that person, and move on with the rest of life. Life almost seems to split – life with that person and life without that person.

When we are faced with death, it is a good time to take a step back from reality and cherish the ones that are still here. Please, for my sake, take a moment today to reflect on those around you. Be thankful for them. Hug them. Tell them you are thankful for them. If they are hurting, be a friend to them. We really don’t know when we will be snatched from this life. What a weird concept.

Anna Grace

Birthdays, Birthdays, Birthdays....

There is nothing like kid birthdays to make you feel old. It is crazy to look at these little lives and see them changing and growing right before your very eyes.

I am having a VERY difficult time believing that my little Anna Grace is SEVEN YEARS OLD today!! I remember the day that Ryan and Leigh Ann brought her home from the hospital. (Some of those first day memories are harder to forget than others!! Thanks, LA, for that!!) It really does not seem like that much time has passed between those days and these days!!!

When did we blink and this...

 Turned into this...
I can't even believe it!!

I'll say though, this is another of those proud moments. I am so proud of AG and who she is becoming. I am thankful that she is still one the of the funniest kids I have ever met! I love to watch her learn and grow. I love her big bear hugs and the fact that she still sleeps with Pup, the dog I brought her when she was born. I am so proud of the way that she helps and takes care of Ben. I really could go on and on and on about this sweet kid. She definitely holds and BIG OLE place in my heart, and I am so thankful for her!!

Happy Birthday, AG!!
Enjoy your day at Disney World!! I can't wait to hear ALL about EVERY SINGLE thing that you are doing!!
We love you lots and lots and lots!!

Monday, March 12, 2012

Movie Quotes Quiz

So, apparently my last posts have been quite sappy, so I thought I'd try something a little more upbeat and fun - A Movie Quotes Quiz.

10 quotes from some movies that I love.

Post your Movie Titles in the Comments Section. No cheating (googling, etc). I really want to see if anyone can get all of these. There may be a prize involved...

1.  Put it on my tab

2.  We got no food, no jobs... our PETS' HEADS ARE FALLING OFF!

3.  Andy Dufresne - who crawled through a river of shit *poop* and came out clean on the other side.

4.  My shoulder doesn't hurt very much, but my face does. Right here. Not here or here so much. Right here.

5.  Mawage. Mawage is wot bwings us togeder tooday.

6.  All right, kid, here's the deal. At any given time there are approximately 1500 aliens on the planet, most of them right here in Manhattan. And most of them are decent enough, they're just trying to make a living.

7.  Teal, the color of gangrene.

8.  A woman in lust wants chocolate, a woman in love wants diamonds

9.  It's Ernie Douglas. But my friends call me Chip.

10. Nah…I mean, I’m already pregnant, so what other kind of shenanigans could I get into?

Saturday, March 10, 2012

Pride is OK Sometimes

I'll be the first to of my biggest character flaws is pride. (No Amens from the choir...I said I know that it is a flaw!!) I really do struggle with it - too much pride to quit, too much pride to admit when I am wrong, too much pride in way too many things. 

There is one thing, though, I think it is ok to be proud of, and that is your family.

If you haven't picked up on the fact that I LOVE my family by now, then we are going to refer to you as Not the Sharpest Crayon in the Box!! I really do love them, and I am very proud of them. I especially love when I get to brag on them and their accomplishments!!

Tonight's post is about Politics. Now before you tune me out and click off of this screen, it is not the whiny, arguing, my view is better than yours politics. If you are like me, you know that politics are important in our country, but you also hate the bickering, out and back that it brings every single time there is an election. I truly believe that if our candidates would focus more on what they are offering and what they can do instead of bashing everyone else like little middle school girls, more people would be interested and would get more involved. Ok, Ok, that was my soap box...back to the good stuff!!

Tonight, I am here to announce that my brother (AKA The Best Brother Ever) is now a Delegate to the 2nd District ‎and 1st Alternate nominated to State Convention!!!

If you are like me and have no idea what that REALLY means, here is how he broke it down to me...It means that he is going to the Republican Convention of his Congressional District as a voting representative of Muscogee County (Georgia). He is also a back up to the statewide convention. The District elects 3 Delegates to go to the National Convention, and he could possibly be asked to go to that.

I'm not going to lie to you and tell you that I understand all that, because really I don't. The one thing that I do understand is that he is acting where most people simply complain. He has strong convictions and beliefs in the Republican party, and he is acting on those.

I am so proud that my brother is becoming more and more active in his political arena. He has already run in another election, and I can't wait to see where this takes him.

I love that he is chasing a dream!! Stephen has ALWAYS had so much potential, and I am so glad that he is realizing that!! Not only is he an amazing brother, but he is also an incredible photographer, hilarious as all get out, and now making an attempt to change the world (well, at least Muscogee County).

I love you, Bro, and am VERY proud of you!! I sure wish that I could be casting my vote for you, but boy am I glad that I am not still in Muscogee County!! :)

Stephen's Campaign Sign from his previous Election

Thursday, March 8, 2012

A Song to Share

David and I are not huge American Idol fans. We’ve watched a season or two here and there, but I don’t think we’ve ever watched one all the way from start to finish. We are usually pretty hit or miss with it. Normally, I like to catch a few episodes at the beginning of the season (those first ones are funny, but get pretty repetitious after a few episodes) and then I’ll check back in toward the end to see who made it and who is going to win.

That’s the way that we were last year with Scotty and Lauren. We missed the majority of the middle, but by the time we checked back in, we picked the two of them right off the bat. We liked their singing, but also their innocence and good-natured hearts. I was impressed with both of them during and after the show as well. They really do seem like genuinely good kids. Mir has had a few “Scotty Sightings” since she lives in the Raleigh area, and says that he really seems like a regular ole kid.

Santa put Lauren Alaina’s CD in my stocking this past year. I really like it. There are some really catchy songs and some that I can really relate to like “Georgia Peaches”. I won’t lie though…there is one particular song that gets me EVERY TIME – “Like My Mother Does”. I keep thinking at some point it won’t, but so far, it does every time I hear it.

I am definitely a prime example of the line that says, “I hear people saying I’m starting to look like my mother does.” I have always been easily detected as “Glynis’s Daughter”, even by people that I don’t know. Like I mentioned in my post about my grandmother…there are some things (physically) about her side of the family that I feel like I could have done without, but overall, I am pleased to take after them. For one thing, I hope I age as gracefully as they all do!

I am so thankful to have a mom that has invested so much in my life – and in the lives of the people around me. I won’t get all sappy, because this whole post/song is pretty sappy in itself. I will say, though, that I’m glad that we have crossed from a Mother/Daughter relationship to a Friendship.

I hate when people post things that I think are going to be nice and cheery and then I end up sitting at my desk at work fighting tears so that the people in our waiting room don’t think I’m crazy. So, this is my disclaimer...if you are at work or in public, you may want to wait and watch this video when you are at home or lat least alone. If you choose to watch it now, you are on your own…I warned you!

I did want to share this though. If you have a mom, are a mom, or want to be a mom, you should really watch this!!

Enjoy!! J

I don't know how to put the actual video on here, so this is the link to the song. Sorry!!

Tuesday, March 6, 2012

More Birthdays and Still Not Done...

Today, we are celebrating Mike's Big Day!!

Don't think I lied to you. Mike is indeed working in Afghanistan for 6 months - and no this pic was not taken there. This is from the trip that he and Mir got to take to Switzerland for his "vacation". He is at his halfway-ish point and should be home before too much longer, which makes us all (some more than others) very excited!! I can't wait to hear all this stories!! I have heard a few, and let me tell you, he and his company are doing some pretty awesome work!!

I am so glad that they were able to spend some time together, especially in such a cool place!!

Now, hurry up, Brother in Law, and get home safely and quickly. We all miss you!!
Oh, and Happy Birthday!!

Friday, March 2, 2012

93 is a BIG Number!

March 2 is another special birthday in my world.

My MaMa is 93 years old today!

At 93, MaMa still lives by herself, drives, cooks, and sells Avon. She goes for afternoon walks and plants a garden every summer. MaMa gets in the floor and plays everything that my little cousin (her great-grandchild) wants her to play, just the same as she did when we were all little. I am constantly amazed at all the things she is able to do despite her age.  

I am very blessed to have had both grandmothers that lived into their 90s. Not only did they provide a great heritage for us, but they have also blessed us with countless wonderful memories of times we shared together.

MaMa lived about 2 hours from us when we were growing up, so time spent with usually came in weeks at a time – either she stayed with us or we stayed at her house. Christmases were spent at her house; Thanksgiving was there; and we always went to her church Day Camp every summer. We loved getting to stay at MaMa’s!!

I won’t lie and say she didn’t spoil us a little, but that’s what Grandma’s do, right?!

MaMa had cable tv, and we didn’t. She ALWAYS had Cokes in her pantry, and we rarely did. MaMa bought us the good cereal, not just what was on sale. Her freezer always had Bryers vanilla ice cream (you know, the kind with the black dots in it). Lunches at Day Camp always had Doritos and Gatorade in them. In addition to all that, MaMa is one of the best cooks in the world!! She didn’t believe in warming up food or a quick dinner. MaMa always cooks her meals from scratch.

MaMa always had a box of Kleenex (the kind with the lotion) in her car. She carried a bottle of cologne (from Avon, of course) that was shaped like a gun in her car “just in case”. On trips, she always brought a jar of dry roasted peanuts and a Coke as her snack. MaMa’s gum of choice was Juicy Fruit.

Of all the times that we went to MaMa’s, the best time to arrive was at Avon time!! MaMa would always let us help her sort and “sack up” her orders. We would even get to ride with her and deliver the orders to her customers. We thought that was so much fun!! (Side note - MaMa started selling Avon to pay for my mom to go to college. I’m pretty sure it has been around 40 years that she has been selling. That, my friends, is HARD CORE!!)

Most days of the week, I hate that I am shaped like my mom’s side of the family (no offense, Glyn, it isn’t your fault either!), but I must admit, I am thankful to have their genes. I sure hope that I age as gracefully as my grandmother and mother are. Neither of them look or act their age, and I’m hoping that carries on to me!

Happy Birthday, MaMa!! I love you!!