Saturday, December 31, 2011

Have I Ever Mentioned That I Have the Cutest Nieces?!

Seriously, Have I?! Because I'm pretty sure that I do!!

Here's Proof ...
For real...Look how sweet they are!!

Molly Grace

Eve Noel

They even take some silly pics like their Favorite Aunt Rebecca!!

I sure do love these sweet girls!!

Friday, December 30, 2011

Back at it Again...

I'm afraid I'm addicted. I can't help it.

Not only do I blame Leigh Ann for starting this addiction, but I also blame her for feeding my addiction.

I thought I could take a break, but I'm afraid I was wrong.

Just when I thought I had come to grips with everything, LA goes and gives me this for Christmas...
...Plus two boxes of jars. The jars made it in the attic with the others, but the book, well, it made it to my night stand. I read through the whole thing...ideas churning as I read...and that's when I saw it - Cranberry Sauce. Right away I could hear the bag of cranberries yelling at me from my refrigerator, and I knew what I had to do. I purchased another bag on a quick run through the grocery, afterall, they were on sale. When I got home, I grabbed a few jars from the attic, through them in a pot and got to work. An hour or two later, my house was filled with the most glorious sound ever...POP! POP! POP!!! My very first round of cranberry sauce was popping away as those cans were sealing!!

Here is a look at the little beauties.

Is this an addiction to canning?! I'm not sure, but I do know that I LOVE doing it!! I really can't wait for what I can work on next!! Any ideas?!

Merry Christmas

Sorry that I have not posted about Christmas yet. This was a weird and crazy Christmas for me. It was a conglomeration of some crazy emotions. Let me break it down for you.

This year was the first Christmas in SEVERAL years that we were able to spend with my parents. We were so excited that their furlough this year would fall over Christmas so we could spend some time with them. We all went to Guatemala last December and celebrated a little early, but this year, we were together on Christmas Day. That was extra special.

 Even though we weren't in Guatemala, we did celebrate Guate Style with some Ponche. This is a hot cider punch that is very typical, especially for special occasions. I'll consider Christmas with the fam and very special occasion that calls for the best!!!

Although I was super excited to spend time with my parents and siblings, the boys (Mike, David, and Chris) weren't able to be with us this year and that made us all super sad. Mike, as you know, is in Afghanistan for a few more months. It was neat to be able to talk to him via Skype, but definitely not the same!! David and Chris were both scheduled to work the weekend of Christmas. Hard for some to believe, but crime does not take off for the holidays. Somebody still has to patrol the streets and keep us safe. This year, that fell to our boys. Well, it actually only fell to Chris, since David did not end up working.

David and I decided that the best thing for us to do this year would be to split up for Christmas. It isn't our favorite thing to do, but it has to work for us some times. We've done it before, and I'm sure we'll have to do it again before it is all over. I went to Georgia to be with my family, and he stayed here in South Carolina to work and spend some time with his family. David had missed a few days of work the week before Christmas due to a cold/cough, but we didn't think too much of it...until Christmas Eve. David and Stryker took a call Friday night that had him running through the woods late that pretty chilly evening. (Don't worry, Strykie caught the bad guy girl!!) That track did not do well with the cough/cold that he already had. Apparently he got progressively worse, since Christmas Eve night I got a call from his dad saying that they were in the ER with him...diagnosis - Pneumonia. Seriously?! On Christmas?? When I am far away in GA?? Thankfully, they did not keep him in the hospital but gave him some meds and sent him on home. Before you judge me...I did ask several times if he wanted me to come on home. He told me not to cut my time with my family short since his mom and dad were close by if he needed anything. So, there I was torn...worrying about him and wondering if I should ignore him and come home or stay and continue visiting with my family. UGH!! It was a LONG night!! In the end, we both decided that it was best that I stay where I was, so I did.

See, already...happy and and stress...EMOTIONS!!

On Christmas Eve, the girls had a little Craft Time. My mom found a cute Christmas ornament and knew that we could easily recreate it for much cheaper. Boy, was she right. It was so fun working together and getting everyone Creative Juices flowing.

Here are some our ornaments...aren't they super cute?!

Stephen was not able to come visit until Christmas Day, so we decided to wait and open presents together. That is...everyone but MaMa (my Grandma) had to wait. We let her go ahead and open her presents. I had painted her a Christmas painting and was very excited to give it to her. As you know, I am toying with some amateur painting, and it is getting more and more fun to give those paintings away, although it is nerve wracking to watch their expression and see if they really do like it or not. Some times it is hard to tell, but as MaMa told me later...Anything hand made by her grandkids is always better than store bought. I'll take that any day!

On Christmas morning, we do what we have done ever since I was a small child...we packed up the car and headed to Adrian. Now back in the day, we always met in Dublin, but over the years we have moved the festivities over to Adrian. What you need to understand about my dad's family is that we don't have a typical Christmas family meal around the dinner table. No, I don't think there is a table big enough for that! I think I've told you before, he is the youngest of 10 kids. Add grandkids, great grandkids and great great grandkids plus spouses to that mix and you've got a whole slew of people! In previous years, we rented the cafeteria at one of the local schools for our gathering. Now that we meet in Adrian, we have started using the Fellowship Hall at the Baptist Church. It is so much fun to get together, eat and just hang out ALL DAY LONG!!

We usually spend the night (or a few nights) but my parents thought it would be nice to go back to their house where we could celebrate Christmas - just the 6 of us - like old times. My mom counted back and figured out it was the first time that the 6 of us were together, at their house, on Christmas Day in 9 years ago!! I think we were a little overdue!! Don't you?? This year, instead of all the gifts, we decided to do 2 things - a $10 Gift Card Exchange (Dirty Santa Style) and a "Favorite Things Bag". (Of course this idea came from Pinterest.) It proved to be a GREAT idea. This post is getting long, so I won't go in to detail...promise me you'll click the link to the "A Bushel and A Peck" blog and read about it!! Promise!! It is well worth your time!!

We did do some presents for the 'rents. Yes, I did another painting. This one I was SO excited about. Don't you remember back in September when I showed you the first painting that I did for my Dad's birthday?? Well, I had this painting in mind originally, but wasn't able to do it then since I didn't have all the colors that I needed. I waited and practiced. Finally, I was able to sit down and paint this for them.
It is a Quetzal, the national bird of Guatemala. They have collected a lot of quetzals through the years and have decorated their house in Guate using a lot of them. Is this a Warhol or Picaso?! Absolutely not, but I was pretty proud of it.

I cut my trip a day early and came back home to check on David and spend my last day off work with him. See, I'm not the horrible person that you were thinking I am!! As usual though, even though I took a few extra days off of work, the break from reality did not seem to last long enough! I am back to work and David is still on the mend. We are looking forward to a new year...2012...who would have thunk it?!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

Best Snack Ever

Once again Pinterest comes through. Not on an idea or recipe this time, but on an introduction to a product that I did not even know existed. I pinned this new product on my "Things I Want" board and, low and behold, my dear Sister in Law, Crystal, saw my board, found it at the store, and gave it to me for Christmas!! Man, I love her!!

So what is this mystery product that is so great?!?
Seriously, go the store right now and buy yourself some...and by some, I don't mean one or two...I mean SEVERAL, because you are going to want that many. I promise!!

You're welcome in advance!! 

Molly Grace

9 Years! How can it be that our little Molly is 9 years old today?! Molly has grown from that cute little flower girl that tried to crawl under my wedding dress into an absolutely beautiful young lady!!
Molly is so smart and loves to learn. She is very crafty and artistic. She is very generous. She is loving. She is caring. She is funny.
I am so proud of Molly and the young lady she is becoming. I am more proud that she loves the Lord and loves to share Him with other people.

Happy Birthday, Molly Grace!!

Saturday, December 24, 2011

Technology Brings Us Closer Together

I am constantly amazed at modern technology! Today, I am loving the fact that not only did my sister have the chance to talk to her husband who is in Afghanistan, but we all got to talk to him as well - including my 92 year old grandmother. It was really neat to watch her reaction as Mir connected Skype and Mike appeared on the computer screen. I couldn't help but take some pics to capture it.
 Connecting Skype
 Waiting on Mike to answer.
 And there he is!!
 Mir helping MaMa understand what Mike was saying.

Merry Christmas Everyone!! I'm so thankful to be spending some time with my family on this very special holiday!

Friday, December 23, 2011

Santa Came a Little Early

Since David is working the weekend of Christmas and my mom and dad are here this year, we are spending Christmas apart again this year. We hate doing that, but we have learned that is occasionally the life of those in public service (You're Welcome!).

I am heading to GA to spend time with my family, and he will be staying in SC to be with his. Because of that, Santa came a little early, which was quite alright with David since he is not good at waiting to give gifts.

We had decided to only do stocking stuffers this year, so I was a little surprised when David came out holding my stocking AND a big ole box. (I say a little surprised, because David makes a habit of doing this. We say we will not do gifts, but then he does. Don't worry, I have caught on and had something for him this year too.) I opened the box to find a large canvas pic of David and Strykie. It was the same picture that was in the K-9 Calendar for December. I'm not posting the pic since David is in his uniform, and I'm not suppose to post anything like that one the internet. If you want to see the pic, you are welcome to come to my house and see it or you can buy a calendar. The money frmo the calendars will help the Unit be able to purchase more equipment for the dogs. *Just throwing that out there!*

When I turned my attention to my stocking, I saw some toes poking out of the top. I was SO EXCITED because I knew exactly what it was...

I have been wanting some for the longest time, but for whatever reason, it seems like the girl shoes rarely go on sale. It seems like when they do put them on sale, it is always the ugly colors like pink or bright blue! Well, one of the pairs I like finally did go on sale, and he got them for me!!! The funny thing about it is Mir had just sent me a text a few days before letting me know that she had found a black pair (different brand, but who really cares?!) on sale and was going to pick them up for me. So, I went from wanting a pair to having two - one tan and one grey!!!

Thursday, December 15, 2011


I've been talking about Pinterest for how long now?! And my BWF, D, has been making fun of me for that same amount of time. Every time I try to show her something that I find "Pinteresting" she either flat out ignores me or gives me her famous courtesy laugh (which I HATE!!).

Well, I have news for you all!!!

bahahaha!!! I've got her now!!! Score!!!

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

The Strykster

Ok, seriously, isn't this the cutest dog in the whole wide world?! No wonder they picked him to be Mr. December in the K-9 Calendar!! Not only is he David's partner, but he is also our super sweet friend at home!! I just love him so much!!

Sunday, December 11, 2011

7 is a Lucky Number

When Googling 7 - right off the bat, I discovered it is a number, a movie, a jeans company, and an art gallery in Miami. Without Googling 7 I know that it is the number of years that David and I have been married. On this day, back in 2004, David and I got all dressed up, went to the church, and got MARRIED!!!

Marriage, like anything involving time, is a funny thing. It is so hard to believe that it has been that long since David and I stood before our families, friends, church, and God to pledge our marriage vows to one another. On the other hand, it seems like we have always been together. Although I have memories before he came in to my life, it feels like we have shared everything to this point.

I am so thankful that over 10 years ago God brought me to North Greenville College (University now) and led me to Marietta First Baptist Church so that I could meet David and fall madly in love with him! It is funny to try to imagine what your life would be like if you took one different turn. Would I have met David if I didn't move to Tigerville to go to school?! If so, wonder how I would have met him?! Hmm...interesting thoughts!!

One thing that David and I have talked about for years is going to the Biltmore House, especially at Christmas time. This year (thanks to some bonus money I got from GHS) we decided to do that for our Anniversary trip. We spent most of the day touring the house and the grounds and had a blast doing it!!

We we got to the house, they gave us this tour guide that had a lot of info about each room that we visited. We also got the headsets that had audio guides for each room. I HIGHLY recommend doing that if you have never been before. It was very neat to hear the background of the rooms and decorations as well as stories that took place in those particular areas. I'm a bit of a history buff and David is becoming more and more interested in his older years (not so much when he was actually in school!), so it was really neat to piece it all together!

David took a few pics of the house from the outside, but it is so massive you really have to go back a long way to get it all in. When looking at the house, this is on the left side, closest to the gardens.

 David and I did our famous self portrait with the Biltmore in the background.

 Another highlight was seeing one of the Vanderbilt's cars that is on display in the winery. It is crazy that they had as much money as they did back then! This car is one of ten that was made, so there is no telling how much it is worth today!!

All in all, today was a super fun day of hanging out with my love. I won't get all mushy on you (believe you me, I could!). I will say that one of the things that I love most about my relationship with David is that we really love spending time together. It doesn't matter if we are doing something fancy like going to the Biltmore House or running errands around time, we enjoy being with one another.

So, here's to another 7 years (plus many more)!!

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Bucket List Wrap Up

As you will recall (hopefully), I posted this Fall Bucket List back in September with the hopes of checking off all of these activities. I know that Winter doesn't technically begin until December 21 (true doesn't) but I figured it was about time to wrap this whole thing up.   
I was able to do all of these except - make leaf art (truthfully, I don't really know what that even means), go on a hay ride (although we did SEE a hay ride when we went pumpkin picking. I just didn't get to ride on it), and make fall cookies (I made cookies, but I don't think they were specified "Fall Cookies"). As for the 2 dates, David and I do so much together that we don't have to have set "date nights". I'm sure at some point in our future we will, but for now we just go as we please. 

I don't reckon 13 out of 16 isn't that bad. I'll consider this a successful adventure!

I have seen several Winter Bucket Lists similar to this one. They all have a bunch of stuff that I know I would never do, so I'm not even going to bother with those.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Lottie is at it Again

If you have been in a Baptist church around Christmas time, I sure hope you have heard the name Lottie Moon. (If not, look her up here)

Every year at the beginning of December our church does a Lottie Moon Dinner to kick off the Christmas season of giving. Our WMU director, Mary Alice, does a great job each year to find some missionaries to join us as the guest speakers. This year was her best find yet - my parents! They were able to come and share about their past and future work in Guatemala. I was so proud of them, and even more proud of the wonderful things that I have heard about them since then.

Too bad you all don't have parents as great as mine! Hate it for ya!! 

The Lottie Moon Christmas Offering goes straight to the missionaries on the field. This money goes to pay for cars, homes, and other necessities for those serving around the world. Please consider giving to this offering. If you are not a member of a church that participates in this annual offering, please A. Ask talk to your church leaders about that and/or 2. Visit the IMB website (here) to give. It is crucial that we fund the missionaries on the field so that they can do the work that the Lord has called them to be a part of!

Monday, December 5, 2011

Pinteresting Inspirations

Every year for our work Christmas Party, we bring a $10 present. In the past, I have lucked up with cheap presents from Guatemala or Costa Rica. This year I had no idea what to bring. I guess I could have gotten something in Mexico, but we really didn't do any shopping there. 

In the past I have tinkered with some painting (see post here). Again, I will attribute that to Pinterest and my friend Marquin at Vino and Van Gogh. I have taken a few of Marquin's classes and loved each of them. She really makes painting seem much easier that I ever thought it would be.

For my present this year, I thought I would buy a canvas and see what I could make. I started surfing Pinterest to see if there was anything that inspired me and that was easy enough for me to tackle. I found two paintings and ended up painting both of them over the weekend. I won't lie...I was kind of impressed with myself. Maybe that's bragging, but oh well!! 

Here is how they turned out...

This was my original sketch. You'll see I varied from it a little, but I think it was a good plan.

This was the first layer with my base paints before I added the words.

And here is the finished product.

Next up was an elf...

 This is my base layer. David made fun of it, but I had to remind him that it was just the base.

And here is the final product. It's no Van Gogh, but I don't think it turned out half bad.

I do have another one up my sleeve, but it shall remain a secret for the time being. I'm hoping that I can pull it off, but we'll have to wait and see.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Glitter, a Mouse, a Gun and a Bedroom Slipper

I have no idea if this story is going to be as funny to those of you who are not in my family, but as promised, here is our story.

This is really 3 stories in one. Every Christmas at the Railroad Bed (the name of the property since it is literally an old RR bed) has a lot of great memories, but this one was by far the funniest! I don’t remember exactly what year this story took place, but I’m guessing Mir and Stephen were probably in early high school or late middle school which would put Jonathan and me in early middle school.

A Little Background Info...

The House
My dad was “reared” (don’t you hate when people say that?!) in Adrian, GA. *Skip a lot of years* My dad’s oldest sister and her husband were able to buy that house along with some land surrounding it and fix it up. During my childhood my siblings and I stayed there at Christmas time with another of my dad’s sisters and her husband (there were 10 kids in my dad’s family!) and their children. I’m not exactly sure how my parents got out of staying there with us. I’m sure they used some lame excuse about there not being enough room or something like that. Regardless of their excuses, we loved staying there with Aunt Lynn and Uncle Leon since they went to bed relatively early and let us stay up as late as we wanted. With the renovations, the house had two bedrooms and living room/kitchen combo. The house was heated using a wood burning stove. Aunt Lynn and Uncle Leon slept in one room and the rest of us crashed wherever we could – beds, couch, floor.

The Mystery
All my life I have heard about “The Lady in White”. She lives on the land surrounding that house. I personally have never seen her, but my uncle and several cousins swear that they have. Truth or not, I’m not sure, but I can tell you I was pretty afraid of her when I was little. Every Christmas we played War. I don’t know why we called it that. It was basically Hide and Go Seek in the Dark. Because the house is in the middle of nowhere, you could literally lie in the field uncovered and the “seekers” could not see you until they were right up on you. This made for a fun game, but also a lot of looking over your shoulder for The Lady in White.

The Rivalry
My brother and my cousin Jonathan acted more like brothers than cousins in some aspects – mainly the arguing, pestering, and fighting. Stephen is about 2 years older than Jonathan. Jonathan loved to aggravate Stephen, mainly because Stephen was easy to set off. On most days, they pestered the fool out of each other until the fighting began.

The Story
This particular Christmas story started like any other year. We were all piled on the sofa beds and chairs in the living room talking and having a good ole time when a MOUSE ran through the light right above the couch!! The lights in the living room are the long fluorescent ones, and he ran all the way across from one side to the other. This sent Mir and Holley flying across the room, jumping over furniture, and screaming! After the shock of seeing the mouse wore off, and we realized he had to be somewhere in the attic, everyone calmed down and returned back to normal (at least what is normal to us!).

Later that same the night Jonathan put a pecan on top of the wood stove. I don’t know the thought process that went on in his brain after that, but he grabbed the nut (now red because of the heat) and dropped it down the back of Stephen’s shirt. As you can imagine, this made Stephen MAD!! Jonathan (knowing that look in Stephen’s eye from previous experience) took off running. Stephen quickly followed. Now keep in mind, we are in a tiny house. They ran laps around and around the kitchen table. On one of the laps Stephen picked up one of Aunt Lynn’s slippers and threw it at Jonathan. As luck would have it, it smacked right down on the center of Jonathan’s back. Jonathan stopped and grabbed the BB gun (like a rifle) that was right beside him. Jonathan pointed the thing straight at Stephen threatening to shoot him. Holley (Jonathan’s sister), Mir, and I started hollering at Jonathan to put the gun down. Stephen is yelling, daring Jonathan to shoot him. Aunt Lynn and Uncle Leon were fast asleep in the other room. After a minute or so of the standoff, Jonathan put the gun down and we convinced them both to chill out in separate parts of the room.

Stephen decided to make a pallet beside the door and went to sleep. Jonathan must have had a memory lapse, because he thought it would be funny to put that hot nut in Stephen’s bed. Stephen woke up fighting mad apparently covered in glitter. He started yelling immediately and then went on a rampage about us having poured glitter all over him. We tried to calm him down and explain that no one knew about the glitter, but he wasn't having any of that. Not only was he mad, but he was tired too. That is a dangerous combo for anyone, especially Stephen. He yelled for a while then rolled back over and went on back to sleep.

To this day I have no idea how the glitter got there. Anyone that knows me knows that I had absolutely nothing to do with a prank involving glitter!! The only explanation that I have to offer is it had to be the Lady in White!!

Friday, December 2, 2011

25 Days of LOVE

I saw a pin the other day that said there should be a way to check off things that you actually make or do on Pinterest. I agree. I feel like I have accomplished something major when I make something that I have pinned, especially when it turns out well.

I thought I would share one of the pin ideas that I decided to do for David for Christmas this year - The Spouse Christmas Countdown. I found the idea on The Dating Divas. I am not typically a rule follower (shocking, I know), so I don't usually follow my pins exactly. This one is no exception. I love her idea, but it isn't 100% feasible for us to do it like she did. I wish we could, but our lives are so hectic and our schedule is so crazy. Not only is our schedule crammed with the typical Holiday Activities, but David also has annual his K-9 Certification in December. That means that the weeks leading up to it, they train hard and long - truthfully I can't keep up with his schedule right now, so there was no way to plan any fun activities for us to do throughout the month. We will just slip those in when we can - no card needed. :)

The idea of this is to start on December 1 and countdown to Christmas in a fun way. She made cards that included Compliments, Service and Fun Christmas Activities. I just did 25 cards of I Love You Because. Her cards are much more fancy than mine, but I did decorate them a little bit. In looking at what all she did, I'm pretty sure she doesn't work full time or she started making hers in January!!

I renamed mine "25 Days of Love". I made a board, covered it with white paper, and put it up in our bedroom where I knew David would see it every day. I hung my first card last night for David to see when he got home and the second this morning for him to see when he woke up. I won't bore you with the 25 things that I came up with, but I'll try to remember to take a pic when it is all done.

It may be kind of cheesy, but I thought it was a neat way to countdown to Christmas and compliment David all at the same time.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Whew! What a month November has been!!

I cannot believe not only how quickly this month has gone, but also how much has taken place during this month! It really has been a whirlwind of traveling and time spent with friends and family in addition to a wide mix of emotions. It has been a super fun but very busy month for me.

I am so sad that I dwindled away from my Thankful Posts! I really enjoyed doing that. I guess I'm not meant to complete any of these list things on my blog!! Believe you me, I didn't stop because I am not thankful! It was more because I was away from that wonderful technology that I mentioned earlier in the month or was too busy to use it!

For me November started with a renewed friendship. Getting to see a friend I haven’t seen in years and catching up was definitely a great beginning to the month! My earlier post was about Friendship. In addition to that, I am thankful for renewed friendships. I am glad that time doesn’t always have to kill a friendship. In this case, time and life experience allowed us to move beyond some pain from the past and pick right back up where we left off!! I am so glad for new beginnings!!

At the beginning of November we also experienced the passing of my Uncle. This involved a super quick trip to Georgia, but I am so thankful that I was able to spend time with my aunt and cousin during this time. Times like this remind me how special family is and how thankful I am to be blessed with the family that I have.

Then came the time for my brother-in-law to head to Afghanistan. This was a very emotional time for all of us. Not only will we miss him terribly while he is gone, but we are also very proud of the work that he (and his company) will be doing to aid our military troops. This is a double sad time for us though – sad because he is gone but sad also for my sister since she will be spending so much time away from him. She is such a trooper though and her faith is inspiring!

After sad came F-U-N! The sunshine always follows the rain, right?! In our case in was the sunshine on the beaches of Cancun!! Mir and I packed up and hit the beach (and pool) for a few days of relaxation. It was so much fun - a perfect distraction!

The fun did not stop once we hit the ground in America!! I was home for 2 days then David and I headed to Augusta for Thanksgiving with my family. We both had to work on Friday, so we made a day trip of the adventure. Since we are dwindling on time that we can spend with my parents in the States and my grandmother was at their house too, after work on Friday I headed back to Augusta for the weekend. (If you are thinking that is too much driving…hang on!!) On Saturday, we drove deeper in to Georgia to spend the day going through some things at my grandmother’s house. I had not been there since she passed away and that was a bitter-sweet experience. Then Sunday I made the ole trek back to Greer.

Shoot, I’m actually tired again just from telling you about everything!! Can you believe I spent almost as many days away from home as I did at home this month?! Not many people can say that.

Is it bad that I am looking forward to the Christmas season so things can slow down a bit!!  December holds a lot for us as well, but we should be home more, and for that, I am THANKFUL!! J


You may be wondering what we did while we were in Cancun. Well, here is a little peak into our week.

We spent our days at the resort by the beach in the morning and pool in the afternoon.

We treated ourselves to room service for breakfast.

 We spent a lot of sisterly bonding time together.

We ate delicious food at each of the restaurants.

We were serenaded by some bands.

We were amazed by a Fire Show.

And sadly, we were taken back to the airport.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Cancun Makes Me Happy!

This Thankful Journey really is working. It's amazing how differently you are able to view things - even small things - when you look at them through thankful eyes. I really feel like the small things become big things, and oftentimes, the things that you once considered big become less important.

Give ThanksPam the Kindersinger
Pam Minor

This morning as I sit on our balcony overlooking the ocean, pools, and beautiful resort, I am filled with thankfulness. This has been a great trip!

Some of the things I am most thankful for ...

A sister to vacation with - It has been funny to hear the reactions of people when they find out we are sisters. Some say we look alike, some say we don't. One girl even said she knew we were family because we talk alike - who knew?! The one constant in these reactions seems to be a bit of shock that two sisters would vacation together. That is sad to me! If you've read this blog at all, you know that I love my family - including my sisters. We have special bonds that I wish all sisters had.

Laughter - If you know me AT ALL, you know this is probably my most favorite thing to do in life, more than eating or sleeping! I LOVE TO LAUGH!! Again, if you have read this blog, you know that is true for my entire family. This vacation has been no exception. Mir and I have laughed A LOT!!! We have laughed at ourselves and at others as well as at situations and memories. Laughter really does do the body and soul good!

Relaxation - This trip has been a wonderfully relaxing trip, which has been great for both of us. Mir has had a lot on her mind and heart the past year, and it has been good to push all that aside for a few days and relax - in body and mind.

Kindness - The people at this resort (staff and guests) have been nothing but kind! It has been somewhat humbling to see how hard the workers here work WITH A SMILE. I'm sure it isn't all roses and butterflies for them, but they really do seem to enjoy being here and are so gracious to serve.

Meeting new people - I have been somewhat surprised by the amount of North Americans here at this resort. I really thought there would be more of a mixture of cultures here. A large population of N Americans, though, means a large amount of English, which has been nice. I know and speak some Spanish, but is so nice to hear and speak your own native tongue. We have met people from all over the US - New Mexico, Texas, Philly, New Jersey, Colorado, Chicago, North Carolina, and South Carolina. It has been very neat to meet these new people and learn a little about their lives back home. (of course, Mir and I have made up some pretty good stories about most of them too - true or not, they are fun stories!)

Creation -Although this really doesn't do it justice, It is so beautful here! While things back home are dying and going dormant for the winter, colors and life are very vibrant here. The foliage is very green. The ocean is very blue. The sky has been a beautiful blue filled with giant, puffy clouds. God's detail at all of creation is overwhelming!

Sun - Following up the beauty of the sun, is the sunshine that we have had. The weather has been perfect this week! It rained one time while we were here. It started after we set down in a restaurant for dinner and was finished by the time that we left.

Wind - Another great form of creation / weather here in Cancun is the wind. There has been a constant breeze coming off of the ocean. Seriously, constant - morning, afternoon and evening. It is wonderful!

That, of course, is not a complete list, but it is a good one for now.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011


Today I am 100% thankful for VACATIONS (especially FREE ones)!!!

My older sister, Miriam, and I are on our way to Cancun, Mexico for 5 days of freedom in the sun!! I really am sad that Mike isn't able to go with her, but I am also super excited that I am!

I love taking off to tropical locations in the winter. The first time I ever really did that was when we went to visit my parents in Costa Rica. It was so crazy to be in the ocean the day after Christmas, but I loved it!! I'm sure this trip will be no different!

I'm not sure of my blogging status for the week. I'm hoping to be able to add a few posts, but we have a really busy schedule of laying out, swimming, getting massages, and stuff like that. I guess we'll have to see.

For now, just know that I am thankful for Cancun, our all-inclusive resort, the sunshine, my Kindle, and snorkeling. I'm sure I'll elaborate more of each of those later!

Hasta Luego!!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Little Orphan Annie

When I was little, I loved to watch the movie Annie. Today I would like to quote Annie..."Tomorrow, Tomorrow, I love ya, Tomorrow. You're only a day away!!" (believe you me, that would be 100x better if you could hear me sing it!!)

More details tomorrow, just know that I am thankful for TOMORROW!!!

Monday, November 14, 2011


Here's to another post about my BWF, D!!

I won't go into all the details about D again since I already blogged about her here, but I am so thankful to have a work friend like her. She makes the work day 150 times better every single day!! We laugh, we love, we work, we play - all in all, it is a great combination.

She is POSITIVELY the BEST BWF that any girl could ask for!!

Sorry that you all can't have her. Be VERY VERY jealous!

Stoph's Big Day

Speaking of Brother-in-laws...

Today is my younger bro-in-law's bday.  A big Happy Birthday Shout Out to Chris (AKA Stoph)!!

I really couldn't ask for a better husband for my baby sister!!

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Serve & Protect

Returning home from work, a blonde was shocked to find her house ransacked and burglarized. She telephoned the police at once and reported the crime. The police dispatcher broadcast the call on the radio and a K-9 unit patrolling nearby was the first to respond.
As the K-9 officer approached the house with his dog on a leash, the blonde ran out on the porch, shuddered at the sight of the cop and his dog, then sat down on the steps. Putting her face in her hands, she moaned, ‘I come home to find all my possessions stolen. I call the police for help, and what do they do? They send me a BLIND policeman! 

Last week I had a friend ask me what it was like to be a cop's wife. I really didn't know what to say, so I asked, "What is it like to not be a cop's wife?"

Some may think that this is crazy, but I am VERY thankful for David's job. Yes, it is dangerous. Yes, he works odd hours. Yes, it is very demanding. Being in Law Enforcement, though, is something that I believe God has called him to do. I fully believe that this profession is more of a calling than it is a job. I truly believe that God created David with this passion in his heart, and I believe that he set him apart to do this type of work.

I am not going to tell you that every day is a walk in the park, but really, is it that way for anyone in any profession?! We have definitely had some hard and scary times, but God has brought us through each one of them.

You may think that David has a tough job, but I tell ya, I'd rather do that every day than be his guardian angel!! Now that is a tough job!!

Two years ago brought some changes into our law enforcement lives. David joined the K-9 team and, after A LOT of training, was given Stryker. Now that is something that I am thankful for!! David has always wanted to be a K-9 handler, and he is so great at it! This particular division takes a lot of work and effort, but it is all worth it when you see him and Stryker work! They are an amazing duo!!

Let this just be a warning to all criminals who may for some crazy reason be reading my blog - if you see David and Strykie out, RUN! I promise, they will catch you, but it will be a much better story for me if you run! :)

"He is your friend, your partner, your defender, your dog. You are his life, his love, his leader. He will be yours, faithful and true, to the last beat of his heart. You owe it to him to be worthy of such devotion. "
- Unknown

Saturday, November 12, 2011

Fall Saturdays = College Football

Today I am thankful that my parents raised me to love college football...more importantly, SEC football. Saturdays in our house always consisted of cleaning and football, which is exactly what today has been for me. They taught me to love football, but did not do well (according to them) on teaching me which team to love. Our house will forever be divided - Georgia and Auburn.

Which brings me to...I am very thankful for family friends that introduced me to Auburn Football and taught me what REAL football is!! Can I get a War Eagle?!

Today is always a fun day in our family (Georgia vs Auburn). Although we cheer for different teams, it is always a friendly competition. 3 will be cheering on the Dawgs and 3 will be screaming "War Eagle!" but in the end, we all love each other!!

Waaaar Eagle, Hey!!!!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Thank a Vet

11-11-11 : Veterans Day

From  Wikipedia   ( Yes, I know it isn’t the best source of true info, but it works sometimes. )

Veterans Day, formerly Armistice Day, is an annual United States holiday honoring military veterans. It is a federal holiday that is observed on November 11. It coincides with other holidays such as Armistice Day or Remembrance Day, which mark the anniversary of the signing of the Armistice that ended World War I.

U.S. President Woodrow Wilson first proclaimed an Armistice Day for November 11, 1919. In proclaiming the holiday, he said, "To us in America, the reflections of Armistice Day will be filled with solemn pride in the heroism of those who died in the country's service and with gratitude for the victory, both because of the thing from which it has freed us and because of the opportunity it has given America to show her sympathy with peace and justice in the councils of the nations."

Today is no different. We still celebrate Veterans Day with pride in the heroism of those who have fought throughout the years of our country’s existence.
Thank a Vet today for the service and sacrifice they have given for your freedom!!

Thursday, November 10, 2011


A friend of mine is heading to a specialty doctor in Birmingham, AL today so that she can have brain surgery tomorrow. Lauren has epilepsy, and they are hoping that this surgery will take it away.

She and her husband have been married a little over a year. Their hearts' desire is to have children, but the medicine that Lauren has to take has a high risk of miscarriage and birth defects. Lauren and Jeremy (and both of their families) have met with lots of doctors to look at all the possibilities. She has undergone several tests and procedures to make sure that this surgery is right for her.

Today, I am thankful for my health, and that I am not facing major surgery. I don't know about you, but I really take that for granted. There are so many things that I could be facing as far as my health goes, and I am not. That is definitely something to be thankful for!

On the other hand, I am thankful for prayer. I am thankful for encouragement. I am thankful for faith. I am thankful for friends.

I know that there are a lot of people praying for Lauren and Jeremy, their families, and her physicians. Please join us. Lauren will have her pre-op today. Because this is brain surgery, her pre-op will involve shaving her head. As you can imagine, this is difficult for her. Lauren will be going in for her surgery tomorrow. During this surgery, they will remove a portion of her skull and insert monitoring strips into her brain. Lauren needs to have 2 seizures after her surgery so they can pinpoint the area of her brain that the seizures are coming from. After she has these seizures, they will remove that portion of her brain. This will, hopefully, stop the seizures all together.

Please take a moment to pray for Lauren and her family. Also, take a moment to reflect on your own health and be thankful for it.

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

"Did I catch a Niner in there?!"

Numero Nueve - Survivor Night!!!

I know that sounds dumb, but I am glad when Wednesday night arrives and Survivor comes on (although I liked it much better on Thursday night!!). I love to sit and just chill and enjoy the show. I won't bore you again with the details that I have already given in regard to this show (see post) just know that it is definitely one of my favs!!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Mike and Stan

Today is another day of mixed thankful emotions. I really feel like all of these posts are running on top of each other, but I guess that is the way that it works. Thankfulness in one area makes you thankful for another - it just flows.

Today, I am thankful to live in America. I am fully aware that this is not the most perfect nation in the world. I am fully aware that this is not the most godly nation in the world. I am fully aware that this is not the richest nation in the world. I am also aware, though, that we have freedoms and access to resources in this country that others only dream of. We really are a blessed nation!

"I am proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free!!!"

Freedom does not come easily. Brave men and women have fought for centuries to ensure that our nation remains a free nation. Today is no different. We have soldiers all around our world that are fighting to keep us safe and free. Freedom oftentimes takes work, time and sacrifice. This is a reality that my family is facing today.

I know I already talked about my in laws, so I won't go down that path again. I will, however, let you know that I am not just thankful for but also very proud of my brother in law, Mike. Mike is my older sister Miriam's husband (hand picked by yours truly, I might add). When they met, he was serving our country at Ft, Benning, GA. Mike joined the Army after high school, became a Ranger, and served our country overseas in Afghanistan shortly after the war began. Mike finished his term in the Army, married my sister, and got his college degree. Now, nearly 10 years later, God is calling Mike back to the action in Afghanistan. Not as a soldier this time, but as an operator of some super cool spy equipment. (The details are classified - Sorry!! Just know that it is REALLY COOL!!)

Mike will be leaving tonight for 6 months in Afghanistan. He will be stationed on a military base and will be operating the equipment that should help our troops tremendously. Please pray for him and Miriam as they are apart. Please pray that these 6 months will FLY BY for them. Please pray for his safety.

I am very thankful for men like Mike that are willing to go overseas, away from their families, to make sure that we are safe and free back here in America. I'm thankful that he and so many others are willing to put themselves in harms way to make sure that others (here and there) are protected. I am proud to be an American, but I am also proud to call him my family!

No worries! Once they see all this ^, the enemy is bound to throw their weapons down peacefully, turn, run and hide in fear!! Take a good look...these guns may just be the weapons that end the war!!

Love you, Mike!!