Friday, July 27, 2012

Little Cabin in the Woods

I apologize for the silence here on the ole blog, but life has been CRAZY the past few weeks!! 

Remember me telling you that we were moving...well, it happened. We officially moved into our new place this past Monday. 

This whole move has been quite an adventure. It happened very quickly, and truthfully, the last time that I wrote about moving, we had no idea where we would be living! We knew we needed to rent for a while, but didn't have a place in mind. David actually found our house on a Craigslist Ad. We looked at it on Friday and moved in 10 days later!! Yep, that's the way we roll!!

Although it was quick, I really think that David picked a good one. This little house is literally a cabin in the woods...right beside a river! I am already envisioning fun cookouts at our place and can't wait for fall when all the leaves start changing and we get to see the mountains in their full splendor! 

I'm so glad to be in the house and somewhat settled. I know it will take a little time to get everything in its new place, but it is coming together. I am so ready to not see boxes in the house! I feel like our home has been cluttered with boxes for a couple of months now. If you know me, you know I don't like to live like that. It stresses me out - more than moving!!  

I have to give another shout out to Pinterest for leading me to a blog post  (from Find Joy in the Journey) that was a life saver for moving! This post had everything you need to print in order to make a notebook that will help you keep track of your stuff. It really took the work out of unpacking. I was able to label each box and list its contents in my notebook. When it was time to put away everything, I knew exactly which box to look for thanks to my handy-dandy system! I am SO glad that I took the time to do it! 

I am pretty much done with the kitchen and living room. Our bedroom is set up, but we are still living out of a few suitcases. That and the sunroom are next on my radar. After that, we will work on the guest room/office. David has already started in the yard - cutting the grass, trimming bushes and all that good stuff that needed to be taken care of.

I'll post more pics when I get things more settled.

Thursday, July 19, 2012

The last of my 3 Childhood Memories

My brother, Stephen, and I loved to play with fire when we were kids. We were all the time burning things, throwing things into fires, etc. I remember several times that we hid and made small fires. We would also take pieces of paper, light the end on fire, and act like we were smoking. Like President Clinton, though, I never inhaled. 

In addition to fire, we also loved fireworks. It was illegal to shoot fireworks in Georgia, but lucky for us, we lived in Alabama! Some friends of ours had a house out in the country, and we would actually all get together there for firework wars. It was kind of like hide and go seek, but we would shoot each other with Bottle Rockets or Roman Candles (on occasion, something bigger too!).

One day, following one of the “firework holidays”, Stephen and I decided that we would go into the yard and shoot some of the leftover bottle rockets that we had. We grabbed some coke bottles, the fireworks, and some matches and headed outside. We had learned that shooting the Bottle Rocket out of a bottle made it go much farther and burned your skin much less. After a few minutes of shooting them, a cop pulled up. He told us that, although it was legal to shoot fireworks in the state, it was actually not in the city limits, and they had received complaints about us. 

Stephen and I knew exactly who had complained. It was our neighbors, The Hamms (their last name was really Hammonds, but that’s what we always called them). They were an older couple that lived across the street from us. They were nice people, but could get pretty grouchy – like old people do. 

We went inside, and the cop left. No big deal.

Later on, Stephen decided that he was going to sneak out back and shoot off one more. He came into the living room where Mir, her boyfriend, and I were all watching TV. He told us his plan and went outside – slowly closing the sliding glass door behind him so it wouldn’t make too much noise.

He went outside and got set up while we watched. As soon as he lit it, it flew out of control…right over to the Hamms’ house and blew up over their roof!! Stephen saw what was happening and made a bee line (is that how you spell that?! I don’t think I’ve ever actually written that phrase out before) back to the house…running SMACK INTO THE GLASS DOOR!!!! He hit is so hard that he about knocked himself out! We were all DYING laughing – like near peeing your pants, can’t catch your breath, clapping like a retarded seal laughing!! Stephen slung the door open and sat down with us like nothing had happened so that he wouldn’t get in trouble! 

I really wish that you could have seen the precision with which he closed the door so that my mom would not hear it shut. The fact that he did that and then 10 seconds later ran right into it was CLASSIC!

Wednesday, July 18, 2012

The Martha

Sad News! Stephen just sent us all this in an email...

This is from today's Ledger-Enquirer. I'm assuming it IS "The Martha".

Easing the pain

My sister, Martha Kobs Hays, passed away July 4, and this is to thank those who took such good care of her when she could no longer care for herself.

Martha had to be put into Fountain City Care and Rehab Center, to my dismay, but all I ever saw were wonderful people who loved those under their care. Although everyone was very conscientious and loving, there was one CNA who had an immediate rapport with Martha. Judy could get her to eat when no one else could, and she was the one the other CNAs depended on when it came to my sister's welfare. The last words my sister spoke were to this woman who took such good care of Martha as if she were her mother. Words fail me as to how much I appreciate what she did.

I also want to thank Dr. Glenn Fussel who for a time was Martha's physician and who recommended Vista Care.I knew nothing about them, but now I can say in all honesty that they were very caring and never missed an appointment with her and they were there the moment they were informed of Martha's passing.

Martha's body was donated to science, and I also want to thank the Anatomy Gifts Registry for their rapid response in taking care of last-minute paperwork.

Cassonya Kobs Douglass

I felt that I should pass this on since you now have connections with "The Martha". I had heard rumors that she had died a few years ago, but I guess this proves those wrong.

Who knew she had a sister?! Not me!

I sure am glad that nice people took care of her until the end. Dear Judy must have really been a saint!

I wonder what scientific discoveries will be made using her body?!

Good Ole Martha! Though she is gone, memories of her shall live on forever!!

21. If you could have one superpower, what would it be and what would you do with it first?

When I first think of super powers, the basics come to mind – flying, super strength, invisibility, laser vision, sonic hearing – but when choosing which power I would want to have, I had to make sure I knew all the options available to myself. I didn’t want to short myself just because I couldn’t think of a cooler one. As with most everything now days, I did a Google search of Super Hero Powers. The first link, of course, was to Wikipedia. I don’t always rely on Wikipedia, but with a title of “List of Superhuman Features and Abilities in Fiction,” I thought that it would be an ok source.

I was flabbergasted! Who knew there were so many super powers in fiction works?! I’m so glad that I decided to view my options before picking!! The Wikipedia list had about 115 super powers! That’s way more than the 5 or 6 I could think of off the top of my head.

I won’t lie…some of those powers I didn’t really understand, some of them I didn’t really see the point in, and some of them sounded really awesome! It was hard to look at that list and think about which ONE I would want to have if I could.

I know this may sound crazy, but I did give this some thought. At first, I thought this would be an easy choice, but the more I thought about it, the harder it became. I think when the first X-Men movie came out was the first time that I ever really thought about how some of these super powers can cause heart ache, pain, and alienation. You don’t really think about that when watching Superman or Spiderman.  

In looking over that list, it was so much easier to knock out the ones that I would NOT want to have (and the ones that I didn’t really understand). I would not want to have something like omniscience, immortality or time travel. Although some times I wish I knew what other people were thinking, I’m sure most of the time, I’m glad that I don’t know. After seeing my grandmother out live most of her friends and family, I don’t think that immortality would that great either – think Edward Cullen here (Stop judging me! That’s all Leigh Ann’s fault!) And speaking of movies…can we say Time Traveler’s Wife?! No thank you!

I narrowed the field down and I think I’m going to go with…da da da….

Superhuman Speed.

The description on that one was “The ability to move, run, fly, react, think and sense at speeds much faster than a normal human. Those with this ability also have accelerated brain activity which allows them to process sensory information so fast that everything seems to be moving in slow motion while the user moves at normal speed.”

That sounds pretty good to me. How many times have you wished that you had more time to get things done or wish that you could get somewhere super fast? How many times do you think of how you should have reacted much later than you needed to?

Yeah, I think that would be a good one. What do you think?

hmm...what would I do with this super power first?! Well, I think the most responsible thing at this time would be to pack my house - super fast. I am working on it, but definitely not super fast! I could use some superhuman speed!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

Roasted Okra

You know me and trying new things - especially things that I find on Pinterest. Well, here's another...

Roasted Okra

Don't knock it until you try it - seriously!

I felt like I needed a little something extra to go with dinner last night. Last week a sweet friend of mine let me pick her garden while they were away for the weekend. One of the things I was able to get was okra. I love okra, but the main way that I love it is fried.

I love fried okra. My waist line does not.

I saw this recipe a while back on Pinterest, pinned it, and thought "Hmmm...maybe". I mean, it boasted tasting like fried okra, but isn't actually fried. I was skeptical.

I've had a lot of things that boast tasting like the real, not so good for you food. Some are good; some are not.

The recipe is to wash your okra, cut off the top (I cut the point off too - just because I felt like it), toss the okra in olive oil, salt and pepper, spread okra on a baking sheet, and bake @ 425 for 10-15 minutes. It sounded easy enough.

Let me tell you was GOOD!!! This recipe is definitely a keeper. The okra came out crispy and, surprisingly enough, really did taste like fried okra.

Do us all a favor...if you like okra, try it!!

I would also like to take another minute to brag about the rest of our dinner. Not because it was anything amazing, but because of the fact that David ate and enjoyed it.

When David and I first got married, he was a total meat and potatoes guy. Well, not just potatoes...any kind of starch/carb really - corn, mac n cheese, rice, pasta, bread, etc. He never wanted to try anything new and was perfectly content eating the same thing over and over. That may sound good to you, but I need variety in my life. I like adventure - not just in life, but in my mouth as well!!

There seriously was a time that I fixed chicken and broccoli Fettuccine Alfredo, and he questioned me on what else we were having. When I informed it that was all, he asked me to make some mashed potatoes to go with it. Seriously?! Mashed Potatoes and Fettuccine Alfredo?! Yes, that really happened!

I have taken it on a personal mission to introduce him to new foods (some times honestly and some times not so honestly J). I'm always sneaking little things in on him. He's kind of like a kid when it comes to eating. If you tell him what it is, he makes up his mind before trying it that he isn't going to like it. If you lie hide the truth or disguise it, he'll try it and usually like it...then you can tell him what it is. J
I have been very proud of myself - and him - because I have succeeded on many occasions and there are many new foods that he likes. Some of the ones I can think of off the top of my head are...wheat pasta (had to lie about that one at first, but he caught on and now doesn't know the difference), eggplant Parmesan, zucchini tots, tomatoes (I know, I know, but he didn't like them when we first got married), brown rice, and sushi (that one is probably my favorite thing that he likes now. I never in a MILLION years would have thought that he would like it!)

Last night's dinner was another *woo-hoo* moment for me! I fixed chicken, spinach and goat cheese quesadillas!!! I fix all kinds of quesadillas but this was the first time I had used goat cheese in one of his. I *heart* goat cheese. When I saw a recipe for spinach and goat cheese quesadillas (yes, of course on Pinterest), I knew that I wanted to try it. Once I fixed one for myself and knew I loved it (as if I wasn't going to!), I figured it was time to try it out on David. Surprisingly enough, he really liked it - and even asked for more!

So, our dinner last night consisted of the quesadillas, okra, and sliced tomatoes. It was a BIG score for me and I am very proud!! J

Happy Birthday to my BLOG!!!

It is hard to believe that I have been blogging for a whole year!! Part of me feels like I’ve been doing it for so much longer and the other part definitely feels like I just got started.

When I first started, I had no idea where this adventure would take me, and looking back, I would have never imagined writing all the stuff that I have written. Truthfully, I didn’t think I’d have anything to write about, but I should have known better. My life is crazy, my family is crazy, my friends are crazy, and I do some crazy stuff…all stuff worth writing about!

I must say, I am pretty proud of myself for sticking to it. I really didn’t want to be one of those people that starts a blog and then never posts anything. I definitely haven’t written as much as I wanted to some times, but I feel like I’ve been pretty consistent.

I’m hoping that this here blog has been fun for you. I can’t say that it’s been inspiring or touching, but I do hope it has been fun.

Here’s to another year of crazy stories and revelations…after all, I’m only on #20 of The List. I have 10 more to go!!

I’m always up for ideas, so if you have something you would like to know or something you want to hear about, let me know!!! I love taking requests! J


I don't know if you noticed or not, but I added a ClustrMap to my side gadget bar. My mom and sister both have one on their blog ,and I always thought it was pretty neat. Truthfully, I didn't add it before because I thought I knew pretty much everyone that read my blog on a regular basis. That was, until I got a random comment from some person I don't know (and can't even pronounce the name!). That's when I decided to add the map and see who was following me.

I loaded the ClustrMap on Thursday, July 5. That means it has been up and running for a week. Since then I have had hits in 6 states and 3 countries. Some of them, I can guess who would be reading it. Some of them, I have no clue. The states are South Carolina, Georgia, California, Virginia, North Carolina, and Texas. The countries are the US (obviously) , Guatemala, and Spain.

I'm thrilled!! Who would have thought people in so many different places would stumble on my blog and actually want to read it?!

I would love to hear who all of you are, where you are from, and how you got here. Leave me a comment (nice ones only, please J) and let me know.

Monday, July 9, 2012

Fireworks Part 2

I love fireworks and I love love. This weekend was a combo of them both, and I adored it!

My sweet, sweet friend Marianne got married on Saturday.

She and I taught school together a few years back and, if you can believe it, were in the self created "Inappropriate Club". ( I know it is hard to imagine me in any club that has the work Inappropriate...nah, I can't even finish that sentence!! Who am I kidding, most of my life has been its own Inappropriate Club!! J ) Although she taught 1st Grade and I taught Middle School, our classrooms were across the hall from each other. ( I know! It didn't make sense to us either. All I can figure is that God knew I would need her across the hall! ) She was such an encouragement to me, especially that last year! She provided sanity and an outlet when I definitely needed both!!

Marianne is right up there on the same list with Leigh Ann as being one of the nicest people that I know. She has such a sweet spirit that you cannot help but love the minute that you meet her. She has the most adorable little voice - perfect for teaching little kids. Although she appears meek and mild when you first meet her, she loves to have fun and is quite hilarious.

David and Marianne have such a funny love story. They started dating a few weeks before both of them moved overseas. She moved to Bogota, Colombia to teach school for a year, and he moved to Moldova to serve a year in the Peace Corps. They "Internet Dated" during that year and then met back up when they got back home. Shortly after, they were engaged and now they are married!

Her wedding was so much fun. The ceremony was a super sweet traditional church ceremony, but the reception was in a barn. Everything was so cute and so Marianne! The food was very country - shrimp and grits, BBQ chicken, mac 'n cheese, green beans, and sweet potatoes. Drinks were served in Mason Jars. Daisy were the flower of choice and burlap lined all the tables.

During the reception, the DJ asked everyone to go out to the front lawn for the fireworks. They were amazing! What a fun idea!!

I loved my wedding, but there are so many fun things that people are doing nowadays. (don't I sound like an old married lady there?!) It is fun to go to weddings now and see what other folks come up with. The sky really is the limit these days, thanks to Pinterest especially!

A friend of mine and I were talking about how other weddings really do take you back to your own wedding day. Sometimes in the middle of regular life, it is good to think back on that day and the promises that you made to each other. It is just kind of a refresher. If you are married, do that today...think back...remember your vows...remember your love...remember all the tiny details...and be grateful!!

And that, my friends, is tid-bits from Reb!  J

Friday, July 6, 2012

Summer Bucket List

I am excited to say that 3 more things can be crossed off my Summer Bucket List leaving me with 8 to go!! I’m crossing off YardSale-ing, Watching Fireworks, and Eating Homemade Ice Cream.

Two weekends ago, Crystal and I had a yard sale. Moving is a great motivator to get rid of junk that you don’t need. I cleaned out and made some money at the same time. Although it was a scorcher, we had a good time spending the morning together. It is always funny to watch people who come to yard sales! The idea of “one man’s junk is another man’s treasure” is definitely true!!

Wednesday night as we celebrated the 4th of July, I watched some fireworks and had some homemade peach ice cream. I have no proof of the ice cream – it was gone too quickly, but here are some pics of the fireworks (thanks to Savannah since my phone had died and was charging in the house).

I’m sure it didn’t compare the ones they had in Downtown Greenville and Easley, but we had a great time watching what we had and laughing at David (not my David, Savannah’s uncle). There were a few close calls and one time the grass caught on fire, but that’s what fireworks are all about, right?!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood. PART 2

I think I’m going to split this one into 3 posts. I’ve already done the first when I told you about The Martha. This will be the 2nd and then I’ll do another to be the 3rd. I just know that I can be a lengthy story teller, especially in writing, and I hate for you to have to read 2 stories in one sitting! Isn’t that nice of me?!

Also, I don’t know what the original writer of The List meant by significant, but I’m just using this to share 3 fun stories from my childhood. These are stories that we still talk and laugh about, so I guess they are significant in some way.
Ok, on to memory #2…

I talk a lot about my family on here, so I thought I would give them a break and tell you a story about some friends of mine – Joanna and Lori. The three of us go WAY back. Lori is the first friend that I remember having when we moved to the Columbus/PC area and started school at CHA. I was in 2nd Grade. Joanna lived out of town but came to visit every summer because her grandparents lived in Columbus. (Actually, her granddad was Bro. David!!) She did not move to Columbus and start school at CHA until 6th Grade, but the 3 of us were the best of friends.
CHA was a small, private, Christian school. I’m talking 250ish students in Kindergarten – 12th Grade small. When I say everyone knew everyone, I really mean it.
Because it was so small, most teachers had multiple roles or taught multiple classes. When I was in 9th Grade, our History teacher spent her morning teaching K-4 and her afternoon teaching middle/high school classes. I’m sure this was a difficult transition for her since those are two completely opposite groups of students.
Before I really get in to this story, let me throw out a disclaimer. I am not encouraging school age children to act in this way. I do feel guilty about what we did, and I’m not telling anyone how they should behave. As a former teacher, I don’t encourage acting out!
Although it was wrong, it sure was funny…
Before our History class, Joanna, Lori and I were kidding around like we were all mad at each other (me and Joanna against Lori). When our teacher walked in, we were still joking around. She didn’t realize we were though. Before the class got started, she asked the 3 of us to meet her in the hallway. She started talking to us (like K4 kids) about our friendship and how no argument was worth breaking up a friendship. We carried on like we were still mad at each other. She finished her talk by saying, “And I’m going to leave you 3 girls out here to talk about what’s going on and come to an agreement where you will all be friends again.”
Really?! Leave 3 Freshman in the hall to “talk out” a problem?! What was she thinking?! If we had really been mad at each other, did she really think that would solve anything?!
As soon as she closed the door to the classroom, we all died laughing! We had never planned anything as sweet as being left in the hall to talk/goof off!! Score!!!
About 15 minutes into the class, she came back out to check on us. Well, of course, we had figured out the game by this point. We kept up the charade of being mad, so she went back in to the classroom to pick back up on her teaching.
About halfway through, she came back out to ask how things were going. Of course, they still weren’t great. I mean, why would they be?! We had been playing in the hall for half of the class!! It was at this point that we started to feel a little guilty though. She told us that she and the class had just prayed for us to be able to get through this and remain friends. Oops!
We decided that we were going to have to go back in and act like we had all made up or she was going to worry about us all night and, knowing her, probably call our parents to check on us!
With about 5 minutes left in the class, we decided to head back in and act like everything was ok. Well, I guess at this point we weren’t acting, because things really were ok! She was thrilled! The rest of the class was mad. They knew what we had been up to and couldn’t believe that we had gotten away with it! As soon as we sat down, the bell rang and class was over! We had managed to goof off in the hallway for the entire class!
It was definitely one of my favorite memories from school. J

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

America The Beautiful

July 4th.

A day off of work.
A day to relax.
A day to have fun.
A day to explode things.
A day to spend with friends and family.

A day for celebration.

Like Memorial Day, I think July 4th is often "celebrated" without being honored for what it really is. We have taken this holiday and distorted it to just another summer day to relax and have fun.

July 4, 1776 - the Birth of our Nation.

I know...I am a bit of a History nerd, especially US History. (Good thing since I majored in it in college!!) I know that everyone else doesn't love all the details of history like I do, but I do think it is super important to understand what July 4th means in our nation. It is not a universal holiday. It is a US holiday.

This is the day that our nation marks as its beginning. The day we separated ourselves from Great Britain and became our own nation. It's kind of like when you become an adult and move out on your own. It was a monumental occasion.

I am glad that our founding fathers had the bravery to come to America and make settlement on this land. I am glad that they rebelled against unlawful taxation and abuse. I am glad that they took a stand and chose to fight for their (our) liberty. I am glad that they were able to defeat the British armies. I am glad that they were wise enough to establish their (our) new country on Biblical principles that would last.

Are we still "one nation under God"? I'll let you ponder that thought.

Without getting into politics (I really hate talking about politics, and I hate even worse to hear what someone else thinks about politics - or wants me to think about politics!), I will say that we have moved away from the ideas that our founding fathers had for this nation.  That much is obvious. We have strayed very far from those first thoughts of Independence, and we have strayed even farther from the Bible and its principles.

Do I hate America? Have I given up on her as a nation?


I love our country! I am proud to be an American - just wait and see once the Olympics start!! I am very thankful that God allowed me to be born in America. I am thankful for the freedoms and liberties that we have. I realize that there are people all over the world that have dreams of coming to America...some even die trying to get here. I am in no way against America.

I say, pray for our nation. Pray for our leaders. Pray for upcoming leaders. Pray for future generations. We are definitely heading away from what the Founding Fathers had in mind, but I don't think we have strayed beyond reach. We just need to look back in the past and learn from it.

So, shout out to G.Washington, T.Jefferson, J.Hancock and the rest of our Founding Fathers. Thanks for making July 4th a day to celebrate!

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

La La La...Here it is!

In keeping with the light-hearted mood, I thought I would share one of my favorite memories from growing up. I’ll count this as one of my 20. Describe 3 significant memories from your childhood. I’ll have to give a little background info so that those of you who weren’t there or aren’t familiar with my past will understand a little bit more. I’ll try to give the highlights on that part, but I do feel like it is important, so bare with me.

A large chunk of my childhood was spent in the Columbus, GA/Phenix City, AL area. We lived in AL but attended school and church in GA. My dad was on staff at Edgewood Baptist in Columbus and my mom taught school at Christian Heritage Academy (both of which we attended). Edgewood was a very traditional Baptist Church – hymns, full choir, orchestra, dresses, suits, etc. Looking back, I know that the church was very conservative, but I think the time had some to do with that as well. Churches were different than they are now. Most Baptist churches were more conservative, or maybe I was just sheltered and thought they were all the same. Either way – Edgewood was conservative.

Our pastor Bro. David was one of the sweetest and most tenderhearted men. He could get up and go while he was preaching, but for the most part he was pretty chill and quiet. I’m not going to guess his age while we were there, because I feel like I’d be way off. He always seemed kind of old to me, but I think a lot of that had to do with the fact that he was one of my best friend’s granddad. Now that I am older, people seem younger and younger!! J

Edgewood was a pretty big church. I’m not talking huge mega church, but several hundred people on a regular basis. As you can imagine, with a crowd that large, there was a big variety of people – old, young, families, singles, different races, different backgrounds, etc. Even though it was big, most everyone knew pretty much everyone else. I can assure you though, that pretty much everyone that went to church there or school at CHA (it was at our church) knew one person – Martha. If they didn’t know her personally, I promise they knew ABOUT her. She was commonly referred to as “The Martha”.
Martha was a very unique individual. Truthfully, I have a hard time deciphering fact and fiction when I think back on what I know about her. Word on the street was she had been in the military and was a little off because of it. It was rumored that her husband left her on their honeymoon – can’t vouch for that 100% but I always remember that being said of her. She was, as “they” say, a very portly woman, and she kept very short military-like hair. She cussed, which was a big deal to us especially since she did it at church. She drove a truck with a camper top that was always filled with junk in the back. The entire back and sides of her truck were covered in bumper stickers. She referred to herself as THE HEAD and even had it put on the back bumper of her car.

That, my friends, is Brad Parker - my childhood crush! I thought he was the best looking guy there ever was. Seriously, if I had a dime for every time the words "Brad Parker" came out of my mouth, neither David nor I would have to work right now! I also thought he was so brave and funny for taking this picture and having it put in the yearbook. That's the YEARBOOK...Classic!!

I'd love to say that I'll tell you lots more about him on another post, but I'm not sure about that one. It may happen, but since he and I are both married now (frowny face on his part, smiley face on mine) I don't know that I should go back into those old days. I never know where we are going to go in Reb's World, so hang may hear about him later. We'll just have to see.

Back to the story...
Another important thing to know about The Martha is that she didn’t particularly care for Bro. David. I don’t know the full history on that, but I do know that much is true.
Ok, so that’s kind of the background. You’ve got the setting (Edgewood Baptist Church) and the key characters in the story (Bro. David and The Martha). Those of you that know this story should already be laughing at this point. Those of you that don’t…hang on…It gets better from here!
My parents usually made us sit with them or a friend’s parents on Sunday mornings, but on Sunday nights, the youth always sat in the back corner of the sanctuary. That’s where we were sitting on this particular Sunday night. The service had already begun. Bro. David was at the pulpit speaking. From the congregation, a few rows from the front, The Martha stood up and started yelling at and cussing out Bro. David. She was yelling so loud that everyone in the sanctuary could hear her.
As you remember, this is a conservative church. We didn’t stand up and yell. There was no speaking in tongues. There was none of that.
As you can imagine, all of us in the “youth corner” were fighting back laughter. We thought it was hilarious, but at the same time, we were almost afraid. Church shootings weren’t as prevalent as they are now, but I won’t lie and say that probably didn’t cross all of our minds. No one really knew what The Martha was capable of, especially when she was that mad!
Bro. David remained very calm and began to rebuke her in the Name of the Lord. Again, this was a conservative church, no one that did stuff like that on a regular basis. This wasn’t a crazy run around, rebuking, and passing out kind of church. That added to the mood as well because no one really knew what to do. Bro. David asked everyone to kneel and join him as we prayed for her. Looking back, I’m sure this was just an attempt to get everyone to close their eyes so some of the deacons and staff could escort her out of the service.
While we were on our knees, one of the girls in the youth group came walking in to the sanctuary. She, obviously, had no idea what was going on. About as soon as she walked in, a friend of hers whisper-yelled, “Sharlene, get down!” Not knowing what was going on, and being afraid of what might happen if she didn’t, she threw her Bible and journal up in the air and hit the deck. I’m talking belly down, flat on the floor, hit the deck. She then proceeded to Army crawled down the aisle and over to her friend to ask what was going on. Kate explained to Sharlene that The Martha was cussing out Bro. David. Although she was confused, she was a bit relieved because she thought a gunman or someone like that was in the building!
After The Martha was escorted out of the sanctuary, Bro. David ended his prayer; we returned to our seats; and the service continued like nothing had happened.
Nothing had happened...yeah right!! From then on, everyone talked about the time that The Martha cussed out Bro. David during Church!!!
You may not see this as hilarious, but to those of us that were there and those of us that know The Martha, it is more than hilarious! I literally could tell you story after story about The Martha and about Edgewood, but this one is seriously my absolute fav!

**I’m so proud of myself for sliding Brad Parker into Reb’s World. He was, in fact, a HUGE part of my younger life. Score!!**