Saturday, June 30, 2012

19. If you could live anywhere, where would it be and why?

This one is kind of fun to think about. I love adventure and I love trying new things, so I love the idea of picking up and moving somewhere new. Call me crazy, but I do think that would be fun.

We moved several times when I was growing up. SC is the 4th state I have lived in, and Greer is the 9th city (plus a repeat of living in Phenix City twice). I know to some of you military brats out there that is nothing. I also know that some of you poor souls have lived in the same town or area your whole life that is a big deal.

Moving wasn’t always fun; I won’t lie. It was hard to say good-bye to friends. It was hard to meet new friends. It was hard to change schools. It was hard to find new favorites. On the other hand, I have grown a lot from move to move. I’ve learned how to meet new people. I’ve learned how to try new things. I’ve learned to be more flexible. I’ve learned to consider change as an adventure.

I think it would be so fun to move overseas, probably not permanently, but at least for a little bit. I love experiencing new cultures, and the best way to do that is to submerge yourself into it. It has been fun to watch my parents as they have adjusted to a new culture. They have adapted to the ways of Guatemala – language, food, dress, travel, worship, shopping, etc. I attribute my need for change and adventure to them!! Who else up and leaves their family during their “retirement years” to move to a foreign country to work and live?! I can’t help it! It’s in my genes!!

Genes – that reminds me of a joke…
Did you know diarrhea is hereditary?!
It runs in your jeans (genes)
Hahaha!! I’m a sucker for dumb jokes!! J

Anywho…I don’t have a certain place in particular picked out that I am dying to live. I guess, I’m just game for anywhere but here!

I actually just talked to David about this the other day. He haphazardly asked me if I would ever move from SC. (don’t panic, we aren’t moving far away – yet!) I immediately said yes. He challenged me on that, but I told him…I love it here. I have a good job and some great friends here. His family is here, but I don’t have roots here. Truthfully, I don’t have roots at all. When people ask where I’m from, I don’t really have an answer. Usually I tell them AL, since I did most of my growing up there, but I’m not really FROM there I don’t guess.

So, where would I want to live?! I guess my answer would be ANYWHERE. I’m working on talking David in to it, and don’t worry, when I do, I’ll let you know!! J

Friday, June 29, 2012

The Locker Room

I work out at The Rush Fitness Complex.
I have for over a year.
My boss told me several months ago that she joined The Rush.
I’ve never seen her there.
Until last week.
Last week was where my gym experience went downhill!  

This was my gym experience last Wednesday.
Savannah and I got to the gym at our normal time. We went to the locker room, because I always have to change out of my work clothes. When I got in the locker room, I saw my boss. She had already changed clothes in the bathroom and was putting her bag in a locker. We chatted up some small talk. Truthfully, I was stalling, hoping that she would leave before I had to change. I know it may seem silly, but I really didn’t want to drop my drawers in front of my boss.
I rummaged through my bag, pulled out my water bottle, grabbed my socks, took out my clothes and shoes, and stalled. I went ahead and changed my socks while we talked thinking that would buy me a little more time. She finally walked out, and I took that moment to change my pants.
Bad idea…Just as I had dropped my pants and reached for my shorts, she came back around the corner to get something. Ugh! My boss just saw me without pants on!
In a normal person’s life, that would have been the end of it…but not in my life. I never get away with things that easily!
As soon as I pulled my shirt off, a lady at the water fountain turned around and said, “Don’t you work up at North Greenville?”  Why, yes, yes, I do. She told me she was one of the ladies that works at a neighboring doctor’s office. I have only met her a few times, but talk to her on the phone almost every week. And there I was with no shirt on.
She, of course, did not just want to say “Hello” and move on. She wanted to ask about work and how long I had been going to the gym and how my day was and on and on and on. It was so uncomfortable that I picked up my shirt to hold in an attempt to cover myself while we talked. When she finally left, I finished changing clothes…embarrassed…and just ready to go home instead of walking out into the gym to face everyone.
I change in that locker room almost every time I go to the gym. Multiple people have passed by when I was changing. I have passed by plenty of others while they were changing. That doesn’t bother me. What bothered me that day was it was my BOSS and CO-WORKER (well,kind of). I’m not embarrassed to change my clothes in front of other people. I’ve done that my whole life – sisters, friends, teammates, roommates, etc. I just don’t want my boss to be thinking about my naked legs and big butt when she is doing my annual evaluation! I don’t want this girl to think about my uppers when we are talking on the phone about patients! Talk about UNCOMFORABLE!!!!
Oh yeah, and Savannah had gone out to the car to get something, so she missed the whole thing and was not there to bail me out at all! Me and my unclothedness had to face them all alone!!
Yep, that’s the kind of stuff that happens to me! Aren’t you jealous?!

Wednesday, June 27, 2012

18. What has been the most difficult thing you have had to forgive?

Back to The List…well, sort of…

Just so you know, I am going to skip this one. Truthfully, I don’t like it, and I don’t want to do it. There are some things that just don’t need to be re-hashed, and I think this is one of them.

I really wish that I was like God and didn’t remember things once they were forgiven, but I’m not. Like everyone, I do remember - some times more than I want to remember.

Although I remember, I don’t want to go back down that road of hurt, so I’m going to skip this one and not write about it. After all, this is Reb’s World, and I get to do what I want here, right?!

Monday, June 25, 2012

List Maker

Are y’all list makers? I sure am.

I like lists. I like to see what is on them, and I like, even more, to be able to cross something off my list. I laughed at a friend of mine’s FB post the other day. She said that some times she likes to add things that she has already done to her to-do list just so she can mark it off and feel accomplished! Sounds logical to me!

I pretty much make lists for everything - grocery lists, to-do lists, what to bring lists, what we need lists, who I want to punch in the face list. Nah, I’m just kidding about that last one. Well, sort of. That list is just in my head! J

I’m already thinking ahead to all of the lists that I will have to make for our big move. I’m not going to lie, I’m already a little overwhelmed and I haven’t even really started yet.

I need to pack. I’ve been collecting boxes for weeks now, but have yet to start putting anything in them. I know I should go ahead and start with the all the things that we won’t need in the next month, but that panics me. What if I do need it, and I’ve stuffed it in a box with 1,800 other things?! How can I REALLY know what I’ll need in a month?!

David laughs at me when I pack, but I am very particular about our stuff. I don’t want it to get broken, so I wrap and wrap and stuff and pack. I label all the boxes. Not just with where I want them to go, but also with what is inside a box. And the fragile ones…oh those are HIGHLY labeled as fragile, almost daring the carrier of that box to break anything in it!

I found some templates in Excel that I’m pretty excited about being able to use. There are pre-made checklists, blank checklists for me to print and fill out, charts for the contents and location of boxes, and all kinds of other neat things.

Can you see why I’m so overwhelmed?! Not only do I have to pack everything that we own into bags and boxes (carefully), but I also have to label them, put them on lists and charts, and check them 100 times to make sure that everything is correct so that nothing gets left behind. I mean, seriously, have you seen Toy Story?! I can’t leave things behind!!

I don’t think I’m completely OCD, but I do think that everyone has a little OCD in them. I like things to be done orderly. I like to know what has been done and what needs to be done. Actually, I’ll admit, I like things to be done the way that I want them. Is that so wrong? I don’t know, but it’s me!!

So, here’s to the packing and list making! I’ll get started on that at some point, right?!

Friday, June 22, 2012

When I Grow Up...

Leigh Ann and I are always trying to come up with a new business that we can start. We both regret completely that there were not as many "fun jobs" when we were in college and getting started in the work place. No one told me that I could start my own cooking, catering, or baking business. I didn't know you could do fun stuff like that. Truthfully, I was always the kid that had nothing to say when the teacher went around the room and asked what everyone wanted to be when they grew up.

I went to North Greenville College, because you were suppose to go to college after high school. I got a degree in English and History, because I was good at those and wasn't interested in any of the other degrees that NGC had to offer. I graduated with honors, because, well, I'm smart like that. I now work at a doctor's office while other people out there in the work world are painting, cooking, baking, and hanging out. Oh the irony of life!!

Well, I think I have officially found what I would like to do. I'm not sure if we have to wait until we are grandmas like these ladies did, but I love their idea. PLEASE, PLEASE read this story. It is so inspiring!! This is what I want to be when I grow up.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

The Morning Shower

This morning when I got in the shower, I saw a spider on the shower curtain. I’m not typically afraid of spiders, but there’s something about being trapped in a shower, sans clothes, with a spider. It’s a little disheartening.
I quickly started making a cup with my hands to catch water and throw on the spider. After a few tosses, the spider lost is ability to hold on and washed right down the drain.
End of story? NO!
I could not enjoy the rest of my shower because I kept worrying that it would come back out of the drain. Yes, I KNOW that it couldn’t, but that doesn’t stop me from thinking it. I even tilted the shower head higher than normal so that I wouldn’t be standing as close to the drain!
Does anyone else do that?
Any time I flush a bug or wash it down the drain, I always feel like it is going to come back somehow. Again, I know that it can’t, but for some reason, I always feel like it can. Is that crazy?!

Before I hear comments from the parental units, I know that my spider experience in no way compares to the tarantulas that you have seen in Central America. Dad, your tarantula in the shower story DEFINITELY trumps my current spider story, but who can compete with a story like that?!

Monday, June 18, 2012

A Little Laugh

I feel like the ole blog has taken a much too serious turn thanks to The List. I’m going to deviate from it for a bit. I’m not quitting, I’m just taking a hiatus to lighten things back up.
To kick things off, I thought I’d share some hilarity that is my husband. I really think that he is misinterpreted by a lot of people. He is somewhat quiet, especially when you first meet him. (I know, I know, opposites attract. I mean, where would we be with we were both like me?! Someone needs to be the balance!) In real life though, he is quite hilarious. The best part about him is he doesn’t mean to be funny, and, to be truthful, I think he surprises himself sometimes.
Remember I told you about going to the lake with the Strouds a few weeks ago?! Well, that’s where this story takes place.
We got to talking about a man that used to go to our church that would yell out during the sermons. Don’t get me wrong, I’m not opposed to an occasional “Amen!”, “Preach It!” or “That’s Right!” This man, however, took it a step further than those. Matthew was telling us about the first Sunday that he heard this man yell, “Look Out!” The Strouds were sitting right in front of him and his family when he yelled. At the moment, Matthew wasn’t paying 100% attention to the sermon and about hit the floor when he heard that. Matthew thought a gunman or something like that was in the sanctuary. I mean, seriously, who yells, “Look Out!” during a sermon?!
We got to laughing about that (and the man in general, I won’t lie) and some other stuff that he said and did while he was there. We also go to talking about other stuff that people yell in church. David spoke up and said, “Wouldn’t it be hilarious if you yelled, ‘Bazinga!’”
For those of you that are not Big Bang fans, just stop reading here, because this means nothing to you! Oh wait, read this before you stop reading…watch The Big Bang Theory!! It is HILARIOUS!!!
For those of you that are Big Bang fans, you know how hilarious this is! I mean, really, Bazinga – in a sermon!!! I would have to leave church and probably go home and change my drawers if I heard someone yell that in church!!
That’s the kind of stuff I mean, HILARIOUS!!

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Asian Egg Roll Night

This week's Noisy Rabbit basket was an Asian inspired basket. I'll be honest, I haven't been very thrilled about the contents. I like Asian food, but I don't normally cook it. There was some pretty uniquely Asian food and, to be honest, most of it I didn't know what to do with. Just so you know what I'm talking about, this is a list of "What's in the Basket".

A friend of mine mentioned taking most of the contents and making Egg Rolls. I've never made them before, but I was pretty interested in giving them a try. I mean, what else was I going to do with all that stuff!

Of course, when looking for good recipes, I hit up Pinterest. I found two recipes that seemed fairly easy. Both baked their egg rolls instead of frying that. Since David and I have been somewhat watching what we eat, I thought that would be a better option.

The first recipe was from Prevention Rd and the other was over at For the Love of Cooking. I kind of did a combo of the two recipes and then added in what I had from my basket.

This is a break down of how it went...

First I cut up all the veggies that were going to go in the egg rolls.


 Thai Basil and Green Onion

 Bok Choy

 Bean Sprouts

Next, I threw all of the veggies in a pan with some Olive Oil and Sesame Oil. (The Sesame Oil wasn't in either of the recipes, but I had some in the cabinet and it just felt right to add it.) I cooked the veggies for a few minutes making sure they were "softened, but not soggy" like the recipe from Prevention Rd said. 

 Look how pretty all the colors are!!

 This is what they looked like when they were done.

I had to let the veggies cool for a few minutes, so I put together our watercress salad during that time. I don't recall ever having watercress before, but when searching recipe ideas, a salad seemed to be the easiest and tastiest way to eat it. I added a few carrot slices and some goat cheese (not to David's, only mine). I'm not sure if goat cheese is Asian at all, but it is one of my new favs was on sale BOGO at BiLo this week. I had it and wanted it, so who cares about anything else, right?!

Next up was wrapping up the egg rolls. I won't lie, I was pretty intimidated by this step, but was quickly surprised by how easy it was to do. I added a few tablespoons of the veggies and wrapped it up like the recipes said. Easy, Peasy!
 Egg Roll Wrappers

 The Veggies

When they were all wrapped up and ready to go, I put them on a baking sheet (with my handy dandy silicone mat), sprayed them with oil, and popped them in the oven. 

About half way through, I flipped them.

When they were about finished, I turned on the Broiler and browned them a little more on each side. This was probably the most stressful part for me, because I HATE the Broiler. I mean, I like how it works, but I hate how you can turn your back to literally two seconds and burn the tar out of something!! Please, don't turn your back! It would be TERRIBLE to do all that work and then burn them at the last moment!!

I also made some Pork Chops to go with our meal. I know Prevention Rd made these on Meatless Monday, but I knew David would want some meat. Pork - Asian ...  it goes.

I also threw together some homemade lemonade that I  also found on Pinterest. This one came from Simply So Good. It is a syrup that is super easy to make. You can keep in the fridge and make by the cup or pitcher.
Oh yeah, War Eagle!!

All in all, Asian Egg Roll Night was a success. David wasn't 100% on the baked instead of fried, but that's ok. Eating better takes adjusting. I'm not exactly sure what else I'll do with the other stuff in the basket, but at least this took care of some of it!

I've also seen some recipes for Southwestern Egg Rolls. I may see about attempting those with some of my leftover egg roll wrappers. Who knows!! 

Fish and Rabbits

In April I told you about me and Leigh Ann starting our own branch of the Noisy Rabbit. Since May, we have been counting, weighing, and distributing all kinds of produce.

This past Monday was our very first Leader Meeting. In perfect, LA and Reb style, we decided to make a night of it. We’ve got to take advantage of every minute that we are out on the town together!!
Leigh Ann has been DYING for sushi lately. She has only had it a few times since hubby doesn’t like it and won’t ever take her. I am ALWAYS looking for an excuse to hit up the sushi bar, so dinner was an easy decision. We went to mine and David’s fav sushi spot here in Greenville, Miyabi.

LA is a HUGE fan and is already trying to figure out when we can go back!!
After dinner, again in perfect LA and Reb style, we hit up the Deal Mart. LA has been telling me about it for a while, but I had never been. As you know, we are both in hard core $ saving mode when it comes to groceries. We coupon, though not as much as we used to (that’s a different story), we hit up the Supermarket Sweep as much and we can, and now we are DM believers. DM is a discount grocery that has GOOD stuff for CHEAP!!!

Like LA with the sushi, I am a HUGE fan and am already trying to figure out when I can go back!!
After dinner and shopping, we went over to the meeting. The meeting was a time to meet other branch leaders and hear from the founders of the business. We talked through the process and threw out some new ideas. I won’t go into all the details of the meeting (because I know you don’t really care), but rest assured that the Rafalski Branch was at the lively table. Actually, the Rafalski Branch were the ONLY ones their table. Ok, truthfully, we were the only ones that didn’t have anyone else sitting with them at their table!! I guess we had a vibe…who knows! Who cares…we had tons of FUN by ourselves!! There were several LOL moments that all those other crazy people missed out on because they didn’t want to sit with us! Their loss!!! J

 As always, we had a great night together!!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Date Night Fun

I came across this on Pinterest and thought it would be a great follow up to my previous post. The girls over at Mom Generations created this list of 101 Things to do with your Husband rather than Watch TV. I love it! There are some great ideas of really fun things that you can do together. I think that this is an important step in keeping a marriage on track – spending time together and having fun doing it. I know that David and I get in ruts and could always use some reminding of different ideas, and this is a great list. Hope you enjoy! Let me know if you have other ideas that aren’t included on this list!

Bike ride – around the block or out and about!
Cook together – each taking turns with parts of the recipe
Go to the gym together – I love looking at Matt across the gym, something very comforting about it
Playing crochet – one of my all-time favorite games to play in the backyard
Match socks together – believe it or not, this can be nice to just sit and chat while doing this mindless chore
Plant a garden – my husband’s favorite and dream
Go see a play at a local theatre
Paint a room in your house that you’ve been meaning to re-do
Shopping for something new for you and for him
Head to a vineyard
Long walk around the block – even with the kids
Picnic on the beach
When the kids are in bed, steal the Wii
A game of tennis
Put together a puzzle
Read a book together – I know… I know… but it can be romantic
Put together photo albums of your family
Sit outside and watch the sunset
Cooking class together
Head to a coffeeshop and chill out
Day trip to a special location nearby – for us it would be Newport or Cape Cod
Find a band you both like and see if they’re playing anytime soon or nearby. If not, head to a local bar who plays music.
Dancing lessons
Baseball game together – Major or Minor league
Check out a local brewery
House hunting
Head to the zoo (you don’t always have to be with the kids!)
Fishing – something my husband loves trying to get me to do
Canoe ride
Roller blading – we used to do this all the time!
Create a vegetable garden – something we just did at our home
Learn how to play Call of Duty on XBOX
Couple massages
Run a 5K, 10K, 1/2 marathon, marathon together
Volunteer together somewhere special
Create videos for your blog together – if you’re a blogger!
Whale watching
Mini golfing
Real golfing
Play basketball together (or teach her how to play)
Head to the beach and collect sea glass or shells
Recreate your very first date
Dance in the kitchen when the kids are in bed
Head to a flea market
Sit by the fire
Go camping (Matt would have to pay me)
Learn to play an instrument together
Play frisbee
Redo your bedroom together – new sheets, new arrangement of furniture, hang photos, etc
When it’s raining, run outside and kiss in the rain!
Free movies in the park
Walk around the mall hand in hand
Have a fondue night
Make chocolate chip cookies from scratch together
Head to the batting cages
Go-cart racing!
Head out on a boat ride
Head to a car dealer and test drive cars you’ve been dying to check out for you and your family
Strawberry/Blueberry/Apple picking – depending on the season
Movie night outside on an old school projector
Sit and watch your wedding video together
Make a family tree
Spend the night at a local B&B
Go hiking
Head to a local museum
Fitness class together
Make your own sundaes
Go ice skating
Find a place where you can do a dinner boat or a dinner train!
Make your own sushi
Lay in your backyard and look up at the stars
Go horseback riding
Find a local art exhibit
Swim in the ocean
If you have a hot tub, jump in!
Head to an amusement park
Go zip-lining!
Create something for your kids and surprise them – blanket fort, pillow fortress, LEGO cave, etc!
Make a cake
Dress up all fancy and head out to dinner, it doesn’t matter if it’s just for the fun of it
Create a vision board of goals and dreams you both have for your lives ahead
Clean out and organize the garage, your basement or your attic
Go to church together
Make breakfast and eat it in bed
Plant a tree
Create a special space outdoors for the summer
Go to a planetarium
Watch a fireworks display
Take a bubble bath together
Create a scavanger hunt for each other of clues that only the 2 of you would know and understand
Visit a local animal shelter if you’re looking to adopt a new pet
Take a karate class
Whitewater rafting
Head to the casino
Make breakfast together in the morning
Head to a water park

Thursday, June 14, 2012

17. What is the thing you most wish you were great at?

Some of these have been really hard for me, but this one was easy for me. The #1 thing that I want to be great at is being a great wife (a mother some day too, but one step at a time!!).
I am very thankful that the Lord blessed me with David as my partner in life. It is so neat to look back at the steps that brought me to him. It definitely wasn't always easy and didn't always make sense at the time, but it is clear that I was where I needed to be in order to meet the one that He made for me!

Truthfully, though, marriage is one of the scariest things to me. I don't even want to begin to try to count the number of marriages that I have seen fall apart during my life time. I'm not talking celebrities and politicians, I am talking about family members, friends, and church members. I'm talking about marriages that I thought were solid and were built on a solid foundation.

I'm going to do a combo here and combine this one with # 26 on the list - What popular notion do you think the world has most wrong. I feel like the world (especially the US) has a completely wrong view of marriage. In previous generations, marriage was for life - good or bad, rich or poor, in sickness and in health. Now it seems like people are bailing when things get too rough. Don't get me wrong. I know that there are some instances in which divorce is ok, even the Bible says so. I am not talking about those cases. Well, actually I kind of am. Not only are people bailing, but they are also wandering from the bonds of marriage. Marriage is not sacred any more - to those in a marriage and those outside of a marriage. It amazes me how many people could care less about the commitment that was made between two people AND GOD. I don't know the actual statistics (and I'm not really that great with numbers anyway) but I know that a LOT of marriages are coming to a tragic end because of infidelity. Sadly, this is true inside the church about as much as outside of the church. Extramarital affairs, pornography, prostitution are all stealing the lives of men and women every day. They leave people feeling neglected, unworthy, unlovable, and alone.

Which brings me back to the one thing that I hope I can be great at. I want to be a great wife. I want to take care of David. I want to encourage him. I want to be there for him when he needs me. I want to uplift him. I want to make him feel comfortable. I want to make him feel special. I want to make him feel honored. I want to make him feel cherished. I want to show him what a godly marriage truly can be. I want to love David so much that he would never even consider looking to someone else.

On the flip side...I don't want to nag him. I don't want to discourage him. I don't want to put him down. I don't want to turn him away. I don't want to neglect him. I don't want to make him feel unworthy or dishonored. I don't want him to EVER turn away and be tempted, even for a minute!

Am I that kind of wife? Not nearly enough. I won't lie. I nag. I discourage. I put down. I don't show love like I should. I can assure you, though, that thanks to the Holy Spirit, I know when I do those things. I feel crummy. It eats at me until I ask for forgiveness. I think that means I am at least learning to be a good wife. I know I am not perfect and I never will be, but I sure hope that I can at least continue to learn from my mistakes, ask for forgiveness, and make those same mistakes less.

That's my goal - to be a good wife to David.
**And like I said, one day, to be a great mom! =)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Mikey, Mikey

The time has FINALLY come!!! After 7 LONG months, Mike is finally home from Afghanistan!!
He has passed the torch on to some other guys in his company and returned home to begin his work at the office in DC. I know he can’t share all that he saw and did while he was gone, but I can’t wait to hear the stories that he will have to share. Hopefully there will be some good ones that I can share with y’all too!! I know that the camera he operated was used (and will be used) to help the soldiers as they continue to fight there in Afghanistan. I am very proud of him and his work!!
I am also very proud of Mir. She has been such a trooper while he was gone. Truthfully, I think she did much better than anyone (including herself) thought that she would. Although she was trooper while he was gone, she is SO glad to have him back!
After 7 months, they were so glad to be able to share this reunion at the airport in Raleigh this morning…

Continue to pray for them. They still need to sell their house so that Mir can join Mike in DC permanently. Right now, he will continue commuting to DC in the week and back to Raleigh on the weekends.

Monday, June 11, 2012

16. What are your 5 greatest accomplishments?

Working on this post has made me realize that I am not a very accomplished person, at least not of big accompishments. Oh well, there's still time to do more, right?!

5 Greatest Accomplishments
  • Finishing School
All of them - Blossomwood Elementary, Christian Heritage Academy, Central High School, Lakeside High School, and North Greenville College.
  • Not only did I finish school, but I graduated both high school and college with honors.
Oh yeah, and I was in Sigma Tau Delta - the English Honor Society at NGC. *Don't hate! Not everyone was in that cool club!!
  • Marrying a good, Christian guy
You all know by now that I LOVE my hubby!! I am thankful that God made us for one another and brought us together at the perfect time!
  • Not getting pregnant before marriage, not being addicted to drugs, and not becoming an alcoholic
This may sound crazy, but in looking at some people that I went to school with, I really do feel like this is an accomplishment. The world that we live in teaches a much different message, and I am glad that I was taught to go against the flow and live above all of that junk.
  • Not killing or seriously injuring anyone.
Seriously, if you knew some of the people that I know, you would know that this is a MAJOR accomplishment!!

Well, there you have it. I know, it is pretty pathetic! The only thing that makes this tolerable is knowing that I *hopefully* have a lot of life left so that I can accomplish a whole lot more!

Tuesday, June 5, 2012

Saturday Fun

That’s affirmative…two more off the ole Bucket List!! 

We went on a little road trip with Savannah and John Lewis up to Dollywood on Saturday.

We hit it right during the BBQ and Blue Grass Festival which was pretty fun. We enjoyed some good ole BBQ for lunch, rode some roller coasters, watched the Willis Clan perform, and had a great time.

Call us rednecks, but we love going up there for the day. It is nice to be able to get out of town, even for a little while. It really makes you feel like you took a break and did something fun, espeically when we are with friends!
 Me and David

 Me and Savannah

 Savannah and John Lewis

 The four of us on the trolley back to the car

David and the classic Sevier County Police car
On the way home, we made our famous Mellow Mushroom and Marble Slab stop. Those stops contradict all the hard work that we do at the gym each week, but I guess it is kind of good to cheat every now and then, right?! 

We are very glad to have some friends that love to pick and go like we do. If they would hurry up and tie the knot, we'd make these day trips into weekend trips which will be even more fun!!

Monday, June 4, 2012

Shout out to the Best Sister in Law in the Whole Wide World

I know there is a lot of bad stigma when it comes to In-Laws, so I thought I’d give a special shout out to my Sister in Law, Crystal. I LOVE her!! We have the best time when we are together. Not only do we have fun, but we are able to talk about anything. It is so nice to talk to have someone that truly understands you, lets you speak freely, doesn’t judge you, and doesn’t tell anyone. Plus, she gives good, solid, biblical advice. I love that about her!!
We try to meet up for dinner fairly regularly, but with both of our crazy schedules (combined with our family schedules) we don’t get to do it nearly enough! When I mentioned going out with her the other day, a friend of mine told me that she didn’t think she and her sister-in-law had ever been to dinner, just the two of them. I’m thankful that we are able to and like to do that! Whenever we go out, we try to think of places outside the ordinary, either to eat or hang out at.
Last week we were able to meet at the Liberty Tap Room for dinner to celebrate her birthday (that was the week before! I told you we were busy!). The food there was EXCELLENT!! I will definitely be going back, and if you are in the Greenville area, I highly recommend it. Crystal and I split the BBQ Chicken Pizza (with Gouda, Bor!) and had a salad. It was really good, but I can’t wait to try some of the other stuff they have there – too much good stuff to choose from!!
I love having her so close since my sisters are so far away (and getting further away!). I love that we can just hang out and be ourselves – no strings attached. I love that she loves to have fun and try new things. I love that she understands me. I love that she encourages me. I love that she is a great sounding board when I just need to talk.
Basically, I just LOVE her, can you tell?!

Saturday, June 2, 2012

My Answers

I'm so glad that so many of you wanted to play The Question Game with me! Although the Blog version was fun, I promise you it is so much more fun in person! We'll have to play the next time we are together! And who knows...maybe we'll play again here in Reb's World.

I love reading all of your answers, but I realized I didn't share mine. So, here they are...

1.    What is your favorite color?  BLUE
2.    What is your favorite shape?  OVAL
3.    What is your favorite flavor of ice cream?  YELLOW BRICK ROAD (even though they don't make it anymore!)
4.    Shoes or Barefooted?  BAREFOOTED
5.    Cake or Pie?   CAKE
6.    Half Full or Half Empty?  FULL
7.    Seatbelt - yes or no?  YES
8.    What is your favorite type of movie?  COMEDY
9.    What is your favorite sport to watch?  COLLEGE FOOTBALL (WAR EAGLE!!)
10.  What is your favorite sport to play?  SOFTBALL
11.  Shorts or Pants?  SHORTS
12.  Hard or Soft?  HARD
13.  Coke or Pepsi?  COKE
14.  Knuckle Popper – yes or no?  YES
15.  What is your favorite fruit?  PINEAPPLE
16.  What is your favorite dinosaur?  BRONTOSAURUS
17.  What is your favorite reality TV show?  SURVIVOR
18.  Skim, 2%, or Whole Milk?  SKIM
19.  Up or Down?  UP
20.  Right Handed or Left Handed?  RIGHT
21.  Virgin Hair – yes or no?  YES
22.  What is your favorite holiday?  CHRISTMAS
23.  What is your favorite drink?  BLUE KOOLAID
24.  What is your favorite animal noise?  BOB WHITE
25.  Black or Blue?  BLACK
26.  Hair – short or long?  LONG
27.  Foreign or Domestic?  FOREIGN
28.  Coffee – yes or no?  YES
29.  What is your favorite sea creature?  SEA TURTLE
30.  Beach or Mountains?  BEACH

Does anyone have any questions, they would like to ask? Feel free!