Wednesday, October 31, 2012


One month has by far my longest blogging hiatus. There are good reasons for my absence though.
David injured his knee at work at the end of Sept, which resulted in knee surgery the first week in Oct. He spent several weeks on crutches and is still going to physical therapy several times a week. I’m not sure when he’ll be going back to work. He is meeting with the doctor this week to try to determine that.
 I have been so proud of him during this time. It would have been so easy for him to slip into “man-mode” and lay around whining and complaining. Instead, he was determined to get up and moving as quickly as he could. He has been helping out around the house and cleaning up while I am at work. The hardest part of this ordeal was the weeks that he was not able to drive. He is now back behind the wheel and he feels like a new person.
The other big thing that has prevented me from blogging the last few weeks was finding out that
We found out at the beginning of September, but wanted to wait a few weeks before we told everyone. According to the doctors, we should be welcoming our little one into the world at the end of April.
I knew it would be hard to blog and not spill the beans, plus I have had a tough couple of weeks. I learned that “Morning Sickness” is a joke! It is not just for mornings! Pregnant sickness is an ALL DAY thing! Add that on top of the lack of energy, and I haven’t felt like doing ANYTHING, especially anything extra like blogging. Sorry, folks, but that’s the honest truth!!
It has been lots of fun going through this with Mir. Of course, she is several weeks ahead of me, but it is fun to share stories and happenings with each other. They recently found out that they are having a BOY which means that John Mark Adams will be joining our family sometime around the beginning of March. I can’t wait for our little babies to meet!
I don’t know if the Chinese are as smart as they say that they are, but I thought I’d give them a shot. It pulled up one of the Chinese Gender Charts online, just to see what they had to say about our baby. If they are right (and I hope they are!!), it looks like we may be having a boy of our own. David is still holding out for a girl, but I’m pretty well convinced. I mean, those Chinese invented fireworks! You have to be pretty smart for that, right?!
So, there are my excuses. I’m hoping that this will not be a pattern for me. I already feel a little better having put all of this in writing. After so long, it seemed like a daunting task to pick back up, but I was wrong.
I’ll keep you posted on the events of the pregnancy as much as I feel like you will be interested. Some of this stuff is just not interesting to the average person, and I get that.
My parents will be coming home next week and will be here for a few weeks. I’m sure I’ll have lots to post about their time here and hopefully some pics to share as well.