Monday, August 29, 2011


When I was in high school, I had braces. I hated them when I had them, but I really can’t complain. I only had to wear them for 1 ½ years – compared to my sister who wore hers for at least 800 years.

Over the past few months I have started noticing a shift in some of my top teeth. I know that this is because I stopped wearing my retainer, but that was pretty much around the time when we got married – about 7 years ago.

Being inspired by my sister in law who just got braces, I decided to give the ole retainer another try. I took it out, cleaned it exceptionally well, and popped her back in. I learned VERY quickly just how much my teeth had shifted, because that thing didn’t fit at all like it use to. Nevertheless, I was determined to tough it out. I took some Advil and went on to bed, being laughed at on the way by my dearest husband.

This morning when I woke up, the whole top of my mouth was sore from all the shifting, but I could tell it had worked. A few more nights of this pain and I just may be back to normal – at least as far as my teeth are concerned!!


  1. Yes... I am a comment junkie... I had toother probs too as a kid... knocked one of my main front two teeth out completely in 5th grade. I now have a porcelain bridge and 3 fake teeth ... and the story about everything I endured up through high school is a long one so I will stop here :)

  2. Well, who knew?! I never would have guessed!

    My favorite part about this is...after reading this D asked if your teeth were gold! You totally should have done that!

  3. too funny... gold! I would totally sell them right now if they were, the price of gold is through the roof! Nope, parents always joked that I was worth something after I had the bridge "installed"... the sucker cost $2k and that was back in 95!

  4. I resemble that remark...unfortunately!

  5. I just read this one. I am glad it is working for you. Are your teeth still shifting back? I am so ready to get these braces off. Only 11 months (or more to go) Not too bad :(
