Give ThanksPam the Kindersinger
Pam Minor
Pam Minor
This morning as I sit on our balcony overlooking the ocean, pools, and beautiful resort, I am filled with thankfulness. This has been a great trip!
Some of the things I am most thankful for ...
A sister to vacation with - It has been funny to hear the reactions of people when they find out we are sisters. Some say we look alike, some say we don't. One girl even said she knew we were family because we talk alike - who knew?! The one constant in these reactions seems to be a bit of shock that two sisters would vacation together. That is sad to me! If you've read this blog at all, you know that I love my family - including my sisters. We have special bonds that I wish all sisters had.
Laughter - If you know me AT ALL, you know this is probably my most favorite thing to do in life, more than eating or sleeping! I LOVE TO LAUGH!! Again, if you have read this blog, you know that is true for my entire family. This vacation has been no exception. Mir and I have laughed A LOT!!! We have laughed at ourselves and at others as well as at situations and memories. Laughter really does do the body and soul good!
Relaxation - This trip has been a wonderfully relaxing trip, which has been great for both of us. Mir has had a lot on her mind and heart the past year, and it has been good to push all that aside for a few days and relax - in body and mind.
Kindness - The people at this resort (staff and guests) have been nothing but kind! It has been somewhat humbling to see how hard the workers here work WITH A SMILE. I'm sure it isn't all roses and butterflies for them, but they really do seem to enjoy being here and are so gracious to serve.
Meeting new people - I have been somewhat surprised by the amount of North Americans here at this resort. I really thought there would be more of a mixture of cultures here. A large population of N Americans, though, means a large amount of English, which has been nice. I know and speak some Spanish, but is so nice to hear and speak your own native tongue. We have met people from all over the US - New Mexico, Texas, Philly, New Jersey, Colorado, Chicago, North Carolina, and South Carolina. It has been very neat to meet these new people and learn a little about their lives back home. (of course, Mir and I have made up some pretty good stories about most of them too - true or not, they are fun stories!)
Creation -Although this really doesn't do it justice, It is so beautful here! While things back home are dying and going dormant for the winter, colors and life are very vibrant here. The foliage is very green. The ocean is very blue. The sky has been a beautiful blue filled with giant, puffy clouds. God's detail at all of creation is overwhelming!
Sun - Following up the beauty of the sun, is the sunshine that we have had. The weather has been perfect this week! It rained one time while we were here. It started after we set down in a restaurant for dinner and was finished by the time that we left.
Wind - Another great form of creation / weather here in Cancun is the wind. There has been a constant breeze coming off of the ocean. Seriously, constant - morning, afternoon and evening. It is wonderful!
That, of course, is not a complete list, but it is a good one for now.
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