In April I told you about me and Leigh Ann starting our own branch of the Noisy Rabbit. Since May, we have been counting, weighing, and distributing all kinds of produce.

Leigh Ann has been DYING for sushi lately. She has only had it a few times since hubby doesn’t like it and won’t ever take her. I am ALWAYS looking for an excuse to hit up the sushi bar, so dinner was an easy decision. We went to mine and David’s fav sushi spot here in Greenville , Miyabi.
LA is a HUGE fan and is already trying to figure out when we can go back!!
After dinner, again in perfect LA and Reb style, we hit up the Deal Mart. LA has been telling me about it for a while, but I had never been. As you know, we are both in hard core $ saving mode when it comes to groceries. We coupon, though not as much as we used to (that’s a different story), we hit up the Supermarket Sweep as much and we can, and now we are DM believers. DM is a discount grocery that has GOOD stuff for CHEAP!!!
Like LA with the sushi, I am a HUGE fan and am already trying to figure out when I can go back!!
After dinner and shopping, we went over to the meeting. The meeting was a time to meet other branch leaders and hear from the founders of the business. We talked through the process and threw out some new ideas. I won’t go into all the details of the meeting (because I know you don’t really care), but rest assured that the Rafalski Branch was at the lively table. Actually, the Rafalski Branch were the ONLY ones their table. Ok, truthfully, we were the only ones that didn’t have anyone else sitting with them at their table!! I guess we had a vibe…who knows! Who cares…we had tons of FUN by ourselves!! There were several LOL moments that all those other crazy people missed out on because they didn’t want to sit with us! Their loss!!! J
As always, we had a great night together!!
Great night... Well most of it. hahaha LA