Friday, April 24, 2015

Life's Routines

Although I like spontenaity, I find myself a creature of habit and routine. Maybe it is the thoughtlessness that a routine demands. For example, I follow a routine when getting ready. I do the same things in the same order every time I shower. When I get out of the shower, I finish getting ready in the same order. I don't necessarily mean to. It's just my routine. The downfall of that thoughtlessness can definitely be a danger though. I find that if I try to switch it up, for one reason or another, something usually gets overlooked. Sometimes it is something minor and sometimes it's not. I've forgotten all kinds of things over the years - my contacts (that one happens all the time), my vitamins, deodorant etc. Today, it was shaving my armpits. Thankfully, I caught my mistake while I was drying off and was able to remedy that problem before it was too late. 
My "morning routine" has changed since I had JD. Mainly because it doesn't always get done in the morning. Unless we have plans for the day, I usually wait until he goes down for a nap to get ready. It's just easier that way. 
What does all that have to do with anything?! Well, as I was fixing my hairy mistake, I thought about another day when my routine was changed which resulted in forgetting something. Well, actually, it was twice. 
One of the best things about staying at home is that it is ok to go to work without a bra on. It just wasn't the same feeling of freedom the 2 times that I did it at my "real job". Yep, you read that right. I have gone to work on TWO different occasions, actually at two different jobs, without wearing a bra!! I know there are people out there that wouldn't really care if they did that, but I was totally uncomfortable all day!! 
I am definitely a believer in laughing at yourself and your mistakes. I'm also a fan of making others laugh, so I don't mind to share my stupidity with others. Some things are just too good to keep to yourself! The first time I did this, I snuck off to the break room in our office and called my sister to tell her what I had done. We were dying laughing!! I mean, who does things like that?! 
By the end of the day, I was a hot mess, literally. I hadn't taken my jacket off all day! I was afraid of what "the girls" might do while they were out free in public! 
I wasn't too embarrassed to tell my coworkers. I just knew that if they found out, they would harass me all day. I waited until the next day, when I was fully clothed to tell them. And then the harassing came, like I knew it would. Funny, funny harassing!! Years worth of laughs. 
See, some things are just too good to keep to yourself!! You've got to laugh it off and move on. Or in my case, do it again, and then hopefully move on for real. 

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