Sunday, April 26, 2015

One Whole Year

Last year on April 26, I had the privilege of standing beside one of my dearest friends as she got married. 
Truthfully, I feel like I wasn't the Matron of Honor that she deserved to have, but I was honored when she chose me for that position. Compared to them, we are definitely an old married couple. 

David and I have said so many times in the last year that John Lewis and Savannah remind us so much of ourselves in our first year of marriage. It has been fun to watch them learn and grow in this last year. They have figured out what is really important to them as a couple and have learned to adjust to and work through shift work and "on call" schedules, which can be very me. I love that they try to get away and do as much fun stuff as they possibly can. Although we aren't at a place where we can go and do it all with them, I encourage them to go and have as much fun as they can. After all, you only have one first year of marriage!! 

Right before we got married, I heard over and over that your first year of marriage is terrible. I got so sick of hearing it! I was determined to make our year a good one. Looking back now, 10 years later, I can honestly say it was tough at times but it was in no way terrible. As a matter of fact, I remember David and I getting to our first anniversary and saying, "That was it?! What was so terrible about that?!" Life is always tough at times, married or not. It's learning how to roll through the tough times that makes life doable. The tough times are what mold us and make us grow. Sure I would wish for a life of ease without problems, but in a sin-cursed world, that's just not going to happen. We have had to learn to walk through the hard times together, leaning on each other and on God. That's the only way that David and I have made it through the past 10 years and the only way we will make it through all the rest.

So, remember, when you are talking to new couples on the verge of marriage. Be honest, but be encouraging. There is enough negativity toward marriage in our world. Let's cheer each other on and root for marital bliss and success. 

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